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[Грозовая гряда] Валдуран Дитя Бури - нет преквестов, нет скрипта.


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  2. Доступно всегда.
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    Диалога нет.
  3. Должно становиться доступно после выполнения https://db.pandawow.me/?quest=12980 :
    Чтобы выполнить задание, нужно прийти в Нидавелир, в одном из ломой найти Крутящегося в воздухе неатакуемого камнедворфа:
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    Bouldercrag the Rockshaper says: At last, the tyranny of the stormforged is at its end!
    Bruor Ironbane says: No more will your minions assail the creatures of stone and their allies.
    Bruor Ironbane says: I am your doom, Valduran!
    Valduran the Stormborn says: How predictable! But then, who would expect a rock to think like anything other than one?
    Valduran the Stormborn says: If you're so eager to fight, I'll oblige you. But know that nothing you do here can prevent the completion of the iron colossus!
    *Игрок и Земельники убивают Валдурана*
    Bouldercrag the Rockshaper says: We've defeated Valduran and we'll fell his colossus.
    Bruor Ironbane says: Well fought! The day is ours, but the war goes on!
  4. х100



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