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[Monk] Weapon System for Windwalker !!! (Dual-Wield) [EN]


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Tested : 2-13-2014

Pandawow: The monk weapon system is completely dumb . and i'll explain why :

Look at this SS from Pandawow

1.Normal Malevolent Weapon with Agility(4733-8791 Damage)


66k-99k damage on Rising Sun Kick

2.Totally Random BLUE 1handed spell power mace with the speed of 1.90 (1620-3009 damage)


72k-111k damage on Rising Sun Kick


-Now keep that in mind that not only Rising Sun Kick scales with wrong weapon but ALL monk abilities



[*]How it works : If you put a weapon that has a weapon speed of less that 2.00 then your damage will dramatically increase and that damage should be the normal damage with agility weapon

[*]How it should work : When you Equip the 2 malevolent weapons you should have the same damage as NOW the fast weapon , and also the fast weapon should decrease the damage not increase .. .this is a bug on all mop private servers since they started but only a few people know about it . I want this fixed cause monks are forced to use 2 handed weapons .....wich is not good for their passive ability http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=120277 .


Fist of Fury does 30k critical strikes with normal malevolent weapon

Fist of Fury does 60k critical strikes with 1.70-1.90 weapon


Tested on LvL 6 npc-s :

Rising Sun Kick with the 1.90 weapon from the picture did 175k damage

Rising Sun Kick with http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=2490 did 145k damage

so basically i almost did the same damage with a lvl 90 weapon as a lvl 4 weapon



[*]Realm : Pictures are from the 5.0.5 Fun Realm but the bug remained still when 5x changed to 5.4.2 . tested it there as well but i dont have max level monk yet



PS. NOT a single monk is using 2 handed weapon on retail . here 80% of the monks use them since they dont know about this bug

Edited by Dryanus
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On 5.4.2 damage with two-handed weapons is okay, i have fixed it.

But it's small with one handed, i will fix it in the future, it need some time, but i don't have it at the moment.


Sorry but this is not true: the damage with a two-handed weapon is only a bit better, but still lower than the damage you are supposed to be doing.

Plus this bug should be 11/10 priority, as it makes a spec unplayable.

Fix it soon please!!!

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
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