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English Realm


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I'm an english speaker and find no use to overload the server with another realm.

Seeing how difficult it is to make a raid or an arena team or just chat, I've made a guild where I recruit any english speaker I see. We're like 30 right now, we can raid, talk, have fun and enjoy ourselves.

If you're having difficulties in communicating with people, you're more then welcome to join my guild or you can find yourself another one/make one yourself. There are quite a few english guilds out there at the moment.

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On what realm is that guild? Alliance or horde?

There should be list of english/international guilds on this server.


I wanna start on x100 server. Is there any international guild?


English realm - if it will be open, a lot of people will move here from pandashan and other servers. For first days there will be about 500 or less players, but it will increase very fast.

Edited by Vilix
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it will be good there to be english realm .. because i see at facebook and the website ... WE MADE IT INTERNATIONAL ... international my ass... gms are spamming on russian in english chat , saying that is it forbidden to use english in world chat with "Can we call all U.S. players, who write in Russian channels in such a way?" i dont see how " W O R L D " is russian channel... and YES ! ENGLISH GMS because all the gms are russians ... keep giving ban reasons on russian and the autobroad cast is on russian too .. so i dont see how this is international server ...better to make english realm w/o russian GMs
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If u ask me I don't see the need for a English realm yet, as long as u stay in the /English channel and so on and if u think it's hard to do BGs with them you can always ask in the channel to do premades, and the "English" population aint that big for a own realm imo. And it's not like the Russians are bad ingame or rude or anything like that they are pretty friendly and if u ask nicely and say u speak Eanglish they will try there best to speak English :) Tho I have some macros from translate I use in BGs like "Kill enemy flag", "Defend me", "Heal me" and so on.


Thanks for reading.

-StarCaller :druid:


PS. The only thing I think the servers should get is more English speaking GMs :)

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I think we don't have that big of a English speaking community and so on I'm in a guild with like 80 English speaking dudes we do Premades all the time and when the PvE content comes out this month we will start doing that as well, the guild name is Gladiator Status, /w any1 in it and ask if there is one online that can inv you, if u wanna ask me I will be on almost everyday on my main Starcaller or my alts Shootingstar, Deathstar and Starstalker. If ur in a guild I will make the game a lot easier and funnier :)
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Well the only thing I want is that it's x100, I guess if you guys make a English realm it will attract more people but you still need more English speaking GMs :) and may be some translators other the the one Google provide to the forums and the site :)


-StarCaller :druid:

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Hello ^^ , There are alot of russian realms, but we english players want to have an english realm, cuz we can't talk with people in russian

So please create english realms so more players join maybe


In my personal opinion, this is a less than ideal solution, even though at first I felt the same way I will admit. Some logical reasoning as of late has changed my mind though:


1.) Right now everyone is on one realm together, kinda like an International realm. There are tons of English speakers, plenty to join an English guild, and use the English channel and enjoy the game properly. This can be done or is done by each language that exists out there, and is probably much harder for speakers of more obscure languages then say English.


2.) Don't you think the Russians are thinking, hey I can't talk to all these English speakers, we should have our own Russian realm. I mean come on you can't expect everyone to get their own realm.


3.) The reality is we English speakers are the luckiest of all, as over the coming months us being the dominant language in numbers and Warcraft players in the world will probably enjoy a majority share of the realm if it stays in one realm anyway, so I wouldn't worry about the seemingly massive amount of Russian speakers you run into right now.


4.) After actually playing here for a bit I don't even notice the Russian players, I just see the English named ones in the crowds and talk to them, talk to my english-only guild, etc and it's much less a problem then I ever thought it would be.



Thanks for listening to my thoughts, I truly believe an English realm would be great and I'd love it, but I can't think of legitimate reasons that support it logically or fairly.

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