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I don't know if this is new or known about, so here goes.

I tried to bid on a mount on the Auction House that was selling for 100k gold. Was open bid, no buyout ammount set. Wanting to be sure I get it, I bid 600k gold. I get mail saying I've been outbid on the mount and I get the gold back, only I didn't get back my 600k gold. Instead, I only got back 76k Gold.

Wanting to see if this is some bending of rules, I went to further testing.

I transfered alot of gold from other chars to the same char I used for bidding, then proceeded to try and aquire that mount.

Each and every bid I did turned out to be outbid by other players and every single time, the gold that's returned to me is only a fraction of what I've bid on it.

Is this some sort of bug with the database or code, or is there malicios intent in screwing people over? I mean, gold is basically free on Panda Fun server...so why would anyone do this?

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