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Favorite Classes / Specs for PVP


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Currently my favorite Class and Spec for PVPing is easily the Frost DK. Yes, a bit overpowered indeed, but how can one not enjoy playing a Frost DK? The damage output is very good, and they have quite good survive-ability with flexibility, especially their presences, for example if you are running out of runes and runic power simply switch to frost presence, if you are getting killed fast switch to blood presence, if your death grip is on CD and you must chase an enemy down, switch to UnHoly Presence and run faster to catch them while you slow them down with your Howling Blast! Going against a caster? Simply cast strangulate on the opponent or use the anti magic shield! It is a very fun class to play with much flexibility indeed. And those are some reasons they are my favorite to play. I am interested, what is your guys favorite classes and specs for pvp and reasons why?
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http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/class_mage.jpg http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/spell_fire_flamebolt.jpg http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/spell_frost_frostbolt02.jpg


http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/class_warlock.jpg http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/spell_shadow_rainoffire.jpg http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/spell_shadow_deathcoil.jpg


http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/class_rogue.jpg http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/ability_stealth.jpg http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/icons/large/ability_rogue_eviscerate.jpg

Edited by sysx
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Atm I would say Boomie & Assa.


Boomie like what is not to like with this Class/spec topping the BGs everytime, they have nice CC, Heals & Aoe what more do u want from a Caster ofc I crit with a Starfire up to 190k but that aint fun you guys play your classes mostly cuz you know how to play them and you know they are overpowered, I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all but I think when you take the game to serious you lose your interest, so I play Boomie just with all the Aoe and Moon&Sunfire getting my spells to proc.


Assa, man you don't stand a chance against one it's like this: Opening with stun 4 sec, 5 combo points stun 6 sec, do shit ton of damage till target out of stun, vanish reopen with 4 sec stun, Mark of Death 5 combo pints 6 sec stun and the guy infront of the other screen is screaming RAPE, RAPE, RAPE!

Edited by StarCaller
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Fire mage, shadow priest, affliction warlock, assassination rogue and ret paladin.


Mages are nerfed alot because of Alter Time being disabled, but you can still hit 100k Pyroblasts with one.

Shadow priest for pressure in BGs is king. Also, it seems most spells and talents are working fine.

Aff warlock, imo, second master of AOE pressure.

Ass rogue, great with poisons and great CC

Ret paly, you know what makes them good :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

destruction warlock by far the best class for me and my favorite one as well been playing it since vanilla and that's a long time :P love the versitality of it in both defensives and offesives not to mention the huge bursts it can put and the ammount of CC all in all I love this class and spec the most.


shadow priest I've always liked shadow priest the dot spec that has spammable heals and good defensives unlike the affliction warlock always seemed OP unfortunately priests here are still a bit nerfed cause of the fact divine star doesn't work and devouring plague damage is nerfed but still I manage to handle it.


tried to play arms warr and UH dk but I just sold thoe characters I was just bored of how much of a faceroll classes they are in this server with their bugged damage abilities such as slam and bladestorm and for the dk the fact gargoyle ignores resilliance

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  • 1 month later...
Our only stun is Shadowfury.

We cant spam fear due to DR or seduction.


I know, I was just being sarcastic.


Continuing with the thread, I'm actually playing Fire Mage and I have a lot of fun with it, it's just amazing.

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I know, I was just being sarcastic.


Continuing with the thread, I'm actually playing Fire Mage and I have a lot of fun with it, it's just amazing.


20sec cd on cc.Great trolling spec and mages have double ice block.Deep freeze with glyph isnt on global cooldown.Ill never play mages because im noob with them :) .Ill probably use them only for glitching trough areas like here:


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