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[Arena]Arena frames

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1. Arena frames

2. Instead of showing the enemy team in the arena frames it shows you & ur partner.Also preventing the work of gladius(addon)

3.It should show the enemy in the frames not you


6.1000000000000000000000/10 This is most important for high level pvp

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
BUMP. You really HAVE TO prioritize this. It's so fucking annoying. It pisses you off every second arena, when you can's simply change the focus with one click. PLEASE. We would love to see this fixed in the next rev update.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I like it how the mods/gms/admins dont even try to responde. A simple quick response will be enaugh, even if it would mean something like that: "We are really sorry, but we have no idea nor intention to fix arena frames. Being stuck at 2k means that you dont really need them."
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i must say that the arena frames are important for all arena players (rating doesn't matter here) and especially macros like these with "arena1", "arena2", "arena3", "arena4", "arena5" not working because of broken arena frames which are still not fixed.




#showtooltip cyclone
/cast [target=arena1] cyclone


#showtooltip cyclone
/cast [target=arena2] cyclone


#showtooltip cyclone
/cast [target=arena3] cyclone


#showtooltip cyclone
/cast [target=arena4] cyclone


#showtooltip cyclone
/cast [target=arena5] cyclone


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