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Everything posted by WwwRampage

  1. It's is a bug and does not appear always, for example I log in to game and it works, play a bg or 2 and after that it says requires Metamorphosis, just like stealth and prowl get bugged after u enter portals or do bgs.
  2. This forum is for posting bugs not for you to show your frustration, bring proof that your class does low damage not just complaints that rogue does more damage and you do less.
  3. Read this from wowpedia: http://wowpedia.org/Chaos_(spell_school) Chaos refers to a type of magic wielded by warlocks. Chaos is a unique multi-school, combining all the seven schools of magic: Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Shadow and even Physical. Multi-school abilities benefit from bonuses that affect any of their schools, use the lowest resistance value among their schools, ignore absorption and immunity effects that apply to only some of their schools, and can be used even when one or more of their schools have been locked with an interrupt effect. Chaos' comprehensive nature guarantees that damage done will not be mitigated by any armor, resistances (such as Shadow Resistance) or school-specific effects (such as [Twilight Ward]) the target might possess. However mitigation and immunity abilities that are not school-specific (such as [Defensive Stance], [ice Block] and [Divine Shield]) as well as damage-absorption shields provide by abilities like [blood Shield], [illuminated Healing] and [Power Word: Shield] will still absorb, mitigate or completely prevent damage from this school. Due to its comprehensive nature, it is impossible for players to be locked out of the Chaos school. Chaos spells Spells that use Chaos include Demonology warlock abilities available while in [Metamorphosis]: [Chaos Wave] [Touch of Chaos]
  4. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112089 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=124917 Date tested : 02.06.2014 How it works : They can be absorbed, reflected and do low damage(max of 47000 damage crit from Touch of chaos during Metamorphosis http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=103965 with 1000 intelect flask, orc racial Blood fury, pvp burst trinket activated, Dark soul and Grimoire of Sacrifice active and this was on ally who was low and didnt have the 2 piece bonus of 2600 ressilence from the pvp trinkets. How it should work : Chaos damage which is dealt by these 2 spells can not be resisted or reduced(except by http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=71, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=642, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=45438) cause it ignores all resistances and mitigations, I dont know if it should be reflected, read the forums and some say it should some say it should not - http://wowpedia.org/Chaos_(spell_school) And cloak of shadows protects rogue against these attacks, and that should not happen because chaos damage is psyhical damage too and cloak of shadows should protect the rogue only against normal spells. Priority: 10/10 cause its the demonology warlock main tool for burst. Realm: x10
  5. Don't know if it was fixed or worked the whole time but you can find the Imp swarm ability in spellbook in general tab after u learn the glyph, just learned it today and could not find it in spellbook in demonology tab and found it by accident in general tab.
  6. I know he got the buff , I was just showing how it works so people know what is bugged and what is not, my example of weird bug on x100 realm on my mage versus a destruction warlock he one shotted me in the first 1-2 minutes while he was teargetting my arena partner with shadowburn when I was at more than 60% health, didnt save the screenshot so I can not prove it
  7. Explain the situation if arena lasted more then 15 minutes this should be the reason http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=144389, and it works cause lost a few arenas today and in one of them got hit by a warlock with a 400 k conflagrate[ATTACH=CONFIG]36429[/ATTACH] , if the arena was shorter than 15 minutes yes it is a bug or a bug abuse.
  8. Encountered similar problem on demonology spec while leveling(70-90) and sometimes now when I have max level if I have wild imps spawned Health Funnel does not work, most of the time it works. Confirmed partially for warlock demonology x10 Realm.
  9. Demiblast you have no idea what you are talking about, Molten Core is not working as it should, problems I encountered - multiple stacks of Molten Core procs in one situation I got 7 other I got 8 and the result was the same, I had first cast of Soul Fire with 50% cast time 2 seconds from 4 seconds normal cast time, the next cast was instant and after that 4 seconds cast even if I had 4 or more stacks of Molten Core procs remaining. Going to try to simulate on target dummy and will post a screenshot. Confirmed for x10 realm.
  10. Stat name : Hit rating and Expertise rating Date tested : 22-05-2014 How it works : From time to time you miss, parry or dodge when you should not, my main problem was on my warrior mostly cause as fury u depend on damage, and after missing 1 raging blow or execute at the wrong time it costed me quite a few arena games(miss execute on gnome warlock, dodge and parried by healers(not mistweaver monks in dematerialize) and the list can go on. How it should work : At 3% hit rating and 3% expertise, u will hit with every attack and not miss it but u can still get parried by plate classes which have bigger parry chance and get dodged by agility classes who have high dodge chance, I have 4.15% hit(4.92 now after I reforged something) and 6.11% expertise and still miss raging blows, executes and other special attacks. Priority : 10/10 Realm : x10 and x100.[ATTACH=CONFIG]34904[/ATTACH]
  11. Its not the combat bug, its the bug when u use portals or enter battleground or arena and it says spell is not ready yet, if it was combat bug it would say You cant use that now.
  12. Explain it better, if u are saying in the arena after the purple cristals appear you dont know that it gives stealth detection for 10 seconds or so, but if u are talking of something else like what happened to me today when a warrior charged me in stealth and he was no close to me, yes that is a bug.
  13. Confirmed: Stormbolt hits the target and it takes an adittional 1-2 seconds for the stun to trigger, second bug is if u use it on a mounted player and he gets out of range there is no effect, no stun and no damage, but I dont know if this is a bug or how it should be, other spells can be used on mounted players.
  14. My advice is first learn to play your class and spec, cause from your screenshots I can tell you have no idea how to play a subtlety rogue, after you learn what http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=79147 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=79152 are and how to use them you can come back and make a post.
  15. I play rogue and only explanation I can find is the Burst of speed talent which you can use to kite till you get out of combat and can restealth again, and the night elf's racial ability Shadowmeld which is another oppurtunity to restealth unless you have dots.
  16. Confirmed for me too x100 realm, its minor bug, but still it needs to be fixed.
  17. [ATTACH=CONFIG]32839[/ATTACH] the damage seems to be correct, if someone could test the buff if it works that would be great.
  18. Spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=81099 Date tested : 04-05-2014 How it works : No damage is increased - tested all abilities damage single minded fury with 2 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=99982 vs titan's grip with 2 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=89398, thunderclap, dragon's roar and deep wounds bleed were the same for each and all other abilities hit much much lower with the one handed fists even if they should have much bigger damage since they are epic quality. How it should work : All damage are incresed by 35% and off hand attack will do additional 35% damage. Priority : 10 Realm : x10 realm
  19. Confirmed for me, tested today 04.05.2014 realm X10, character Wratful 12 criticals with Bloodthirst out of 100 hits with 16% melee critical chance. Confirmed mastery bug in stats maximum damage in character without enrage 22.092, and with enrage 24302 which is 110% - 10% mastery, so mastery is bugged or the stats are not showing as they should.
  20. WwwRampage

    Conquest Cap

    It reseted at 22:00 problem solved :).
  21. WwwRampage

    Conquest Cap

    Dont know which topic addresses this, Conquest cap did not reset today 2.05.2014, is the reset day changed or some problems?
  22. Tested at target dummy and it seems to be only visual bug, and only bug is that u cant see the increase in stats, but the damage is bigger with the buff.
  23. Confirmed x10 and x100 realms.
  24. Rejected, learn to read abilities tooltips, you get enrage only after you critically hit with these abilities. Tested today 28.04.2014 realms x100, fun for arms and x10 for fury so it works as intended.
  25. Ability http://db.pandawow.me?spell=51690 is bugged, if the target is stunned(kidney shot, cheap shot or paralytic poison stun or any other stuns) killing spree doesnt attack at all in that time. Date tested 24.04.2014, Realm x10, Character Axeefect.
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