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Idc if every class has an anti class.Even ive beaten every single class no matter if ive been left on 1k hp after the duel,no matter what flasks/potions they use or anything such.Its hard to spam fear as a destro lock on a warr,but other classes dont stand a chance against holw of terror and i can still dodge any insta cast roots or slows or fears such as the holw of terror by porting at the last second,making people hopeless to defeat me.Even when i fight my anti class(mage) i still find a way to beat him.


Destro lock for the win.

Posted (edited)
Said the guy with a warrior as his main. Now i'm waiting for DKs/monks/rdruids and rshamans to post about how balanced this game is. Bullshit.



btw first you said they are equal, now you say that "some class is weak and some are strong to others. ". Wat

Yeah some classes are better than others.. that's counters or anticlasses... But when talking about equal that means 1 class against all other classes.. If you compare for instance, rogue and priest, they are almost equal.. u will probably laugh or whatever, but they do counter same number of specs and are being countered by same number of specs. That goes for most of the specs in-game but retribution paladin is exception, most of the casters counter ret ...

Anticlass means counter to ONE class but you clearly can't understand it, no probs its ok I will explain it...


Shadow priest has reduced chance to beat warrior but has increased chance to beat retribution paladin...

Retribution paladin has reduced chance to beat mage but has increased chance to beat death knight...

And at the end of the they most of the classes are equal... How?I said every class has anti class not only mage counters rets etc...

Maybe it will be hard for understand for you but I hope you do understand...


Yeah maybe some class can burst more damage for example rogue has amazing cd-s and can do 150k eviscerate crits and what after that? He is very weak after he blow all his cooldowns... And for instance warrior can keep pressure on enemy even without his cooldowns, but of course with less damage than cooldown burst classes.

My point is that there is no such thing as GOD class that if you play it can beat everything without using skill.

EVERY class needs at least minimum of skill to do well against ANY other class.


ps: I looked at your posts and it's funny. You cry about every single class except your class. If you have problems beating any class with your main class you should ... l2p

Edited by Tbf
Posted (edited)
Yeah some classes are better than others.. that's counters or anticlasses... But when talking about equal that means 1 class against all other classes.. If you compare for instance, rogue and priest, they are almost equal.. u will probably laugh or whatever, but they do counter same number of specs and are being countered by same number of specs. That goes for most of the specs in-game but retribution paladin is exception, most of the casters counter ret ...

Anticlass means counter to ONE class but you clearly can't understand it, no probs its ok I will explain it...


Shadow priest has reduced chance to beat warrior but has increased chance to beat retribution paladin...

Retribution paladin has reduced chance to beat mage but has increased chance to beat death knight...

And at the end of the they most of the classes are equal... How?I said every class has anti class not only mage counters rets etc...

Maybe it will be hard for understand for you but I hope you do understand...


Yeah maybe some class can burst more damage for example rogue has amazing cd-s and can do 150k eviscerate crits and what after that? He is very weak after he blow all his cooldowns... And for instance warrior can keep pressure on enemy even without his cooldowns, but of course with less damage than cooldown burst classes.

My point is that there is no such thing as GOD class that if you play it can beat everything without using skill.

EVERY class needs at least minimum of skill to do well against ANY other class.


ps: I looked at your posts and it's funny. You cry about every single class except your class. If you have problems beating any class with your main class you should ... l2p

3.1k retail season 8, 2.8k season 13, 2.5k CR, yes, i should l2p. kk pce



Rsham most OP healer

sp most op caster

dk(rogue in this server) most op melee


cya in arenas jk 2.5k doesn't get ques against 1.7k



PS: Here's my guide on how to be an amazing skilled rogue



Step 1. Make a rogue and gear it

Step 2. Google Sensus' one shot macro

Step 3. Bind it on 1

Step 4. Spam it super hard

Step 5. ????????

Step 6. Profit



This takes a lot of skill, indeed, and you might not be able to do it at the beggining. But practice makes perfect so keep spamming and one day you'll be a god


PS2: I don't cry about my own class because it's not one of those overpowered classes, i play a disc priest. It's like the worst healer out there.

Edited by Exey

My point is that there is no such thing as GOD class that if you play it can beat everything without using skill.

EVERY class needs at least minimum of skill to do well against ANY other class.[/b]

True. Even though Rsham is OP healer, we bursted almost every Rsham(enh/sub) before he can even trink. It's all about skill.

It is true that warrs are easier compared to other classes, but i've seen really good ones.

3.1k retail season 8, 2.8k season 13, 2.5k CR, yes, i should l2p. kk pce




PS: Here's my guide on how to be an amazing skilled rogue



Step 1. Make a rogue and gear it

Step 2. Google Sensus' one shot macro

Step 3. Bind it on 1

Step 4. Spam it super hard

Step 5. ????????

Step 6. Profit



This takes a lot of skill, indeed, and you might not be able to do it at the beggining. But practice makes perfect so keep spamming and one day you'll be a god


Rating doesnt matter that much,because u can have as much as u want rating,but skill is more important,because u can get someone to boost u.

By skill i mean not to use only 1 macro,because it can be countered easily by the following way:

pets(warlocks pets too)

holw of terror

ice block


alliance juming on your screen

and other stuff.


But what u said just killed me literally "so keep spamming and one day you'll be a god"

What if the other player does something u cant stop?

What if they trinket?

What if they use another spell to break your combo and u need to change the rotation immediatly?

Or do you know what even rotation means?


So just dont be a spambot with macros made by other players,because they may not work.

If u want to duel me and show u that i can kill u easily EVEN if u use all ur spells,go on x100 realm after 12-08-2014(12 august).

Posted (edited)

Many people whine about macros and one button/shot warrior and rogues. The thing is, if you lose to them, then you likely have some room to learn with your own game. Sot so great players can use a macro to make it easier for them if they do not understand the class, and then use it to take down other not so great players. It is really not too important to those who are halfway decent or god forbid really good.


People who are really good do not use these silly macros, as they are not optimal or very good. It isn't a matter of the class being easy to master nor good players making it hard on themselves by not using these silly macros. Simply put, if you go up against a good player, macro all your cd's like Frostshotz is saying, you will do anything but "profit". It'st just not a problem, at all.


Now what people should be complaining about is Rogues having a 35% damage buff bug employable. Yes the more people that know about this kind of thing will play and use them to their advantage but it's such a huge buff I personally don't see Rogue's as competing with the rest. Like if a Rogue beats someone I just write it off as meaningless. If they have a high arena rank, meaningless. 35% is just way too much of a bug to give anyone credit for playing it.


You will see rogues drop in damage and kills greatly once this is fixed. Rogues aren't even a top 3 pvp class on 5.4.x for 2v2,3v3, or rbg let alone "overpowered" either.


Rogues are often "better" than they "could" be up against players as 1.) They are one of the least understood classes, being one of the least played 2.) Their playstyle varies greatly from other classes and has no comparable peers so this also makes it hard to play against without studying your enemy first.


Like all classes, the good rogues and good warriors will rise to the top, the flavor of the patch players who don't put in the time and just ride the class' current strength have a low ceiling of potential. Nothing comes free or easy that matters.

Edited by noshi
Many people whine about macros and one button/shot warrior and rogues. The thing is, if you lose to them, then you likely have some room to learn with your own game. Sot so great players can use a macro to make it easier for them if they do not understand the class, and then use it to take down other not so great players. It is really not too important to those who are halfway decent or god forbid really good.


People who are really good do not use these silly macros, as they are not optimal or very good. It isn't a matter of the class being easy to master nor good players making it hard on themselves by not using these silly macros. Simply put, if you go up against a good player, macro all your cd's like Frostshotz is saying, you will do anything but "profit". It'st just not a problem, at all.


Now what people should be complaining about is Rogues having a 35% damage buff bug employable. Yes the more people that know about this kind of thing will play and use them to their advantage but it's such a huge buff I personally don't see Rogue's as competing with the rest. Like if a Rogue beats someone I just write it off as meaningless. If they have a high arena rank, meaningless. 35% is just way too much of a bug to give anyone credit for playing it.


You will see rogues drop in damage and kills greatly once this is fixed. Rogues aren't even a top 3 pvp class on 5.4.x for 2v2,3v3, or rbg let alone "overpowered" either.


Rogues are often "better" than they "could" be up against players as 1.) They are one of the least understood classes, being one of the least played 2.) Their playstyle varies greatly from other classes and has no comparable peers so this also makes it hard to play against without studying your enemy first.


Like all classes, the good rogues and good warriors will rise to the top, the flavor of the patch players who don't put in the time and just ride the class' current strength have a low ceiling of potential. Nothing comes free or easy that matters.

Well rogues are only useful when:they want to cc troll or do arenas and cc while warrs are constantly damaging the enemy.

I didnt put all my cds in 1 macro in the last thing i said tho,but only my burst,because i can use it with Archimondes Vengeance.Other things of my burst arent that important,because instead of 4k intelect i get 4k mastery too,then instead of cant be interrupted i can cc the target.(sorry if i missunderstood what u said).


Why would arena rating matter, on this server more then half of the classes are not fixed yet or are bugged. Arena will matter later when all of the classes are fixed and they work at least 80%-90% of the time.

But the class that will remain overpowered is the mage, and they will always be the stick in the mud for WoW and I did see some changes for WoD but the harm is done and there is no going back.

Why would arena rating matter, on this server more then half of the classes are not fixed yet or are bugged. Arena will matter later when all of the classes are fixed and they work at least 80%-90% of the time.

But the class that will remain overpowered is the mage, and they will always be the stick in the mud for WoW and I did see some changes for WoD but the harm is done and there is no going back.

Mages arent that op unless they know how to play and u can get rating EVEN if classes are fixd-by someone doing everything for u.

Представляю вам 2 чита 100% рабочие и 100% без вирусов!!!

1 - http://http://rghost.ru/57164519 Чит на дамаг копируйте ссылку и вставляйте её

2 - http://http://rghost.ru/57164548 Чит на голд


Читы без вирусов и рабочие!! ЕСЛИ что не понятно пишите в скайп всё обьясню - ponywearchik

Ignore him http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=82784

Are there important changes for pvp in 5.4.8?

Not that many but some fixes from blizzard(which are bugged here).

Or if we look from every update to 5.4.8,well nothing than PvP season.I want PvE

hunters are the op current class in all realms of pandawow.. and they can kill everything what they want with contender set for example or even without honor gear.

other bad thing is that most of the proc skills they don't have internal global cooldown (a.k.a. (icd)) and they proc very often. these procs are affected by most classes in the game for example i'll say hunters and warriors.


dps classes:

- survival - beast mastery - marksmanship hunter - hunter pets doing alot of damage even they're not specced to beast mastery and some of their skills need to be reworked because the damage formulas need to be corrected properly if it's possible according to blizzard servers or retail

- arms warrior - pop up all cds added in 1 or 2 macros and hits alot which is ok i guess for this expansion



p.s.1. most players in all realms of pandawow they're playing with hunter class which they do not understand and they play it for only one reason and which is it this: the hunter is buggy and lets play with it and kill everything what moves around.



I'm a hunter and I think hunters are not OP...

I'm not just saying that because I'm defending my class but I used to have full griev, went into bg , Full malevolent shaman killed me in 4 hits...Which at the moment I shot 11 arrows which only caused like 111k damage and yes I know how to play my class.

Hunters aren't buggy. They're the only class with only minor bugs. But rogues and warrs are the most op classes. Only retards play them :/

True,but u cant say that someone is a retard that can beat their own class or that plays a 2nd class which is alot harder to play and still good with both classes.

True,but u cant say that someone is a retard that can beat their own class or that plays a 2nd class which is alot harder to play and still good with both classes.



but yeah I actually agree if you can't play anything but war and rogue you should delete wow ::D:D:D:D

in order to "play" one class well against other people you must understand (or better master) all the rest.. you know their cds/playstyle/rotations. This may even help you calculate the outcome of a battle before it has even begun


but yeah I actually agree if you can't play anything but war and rogue you should delete wow ::D:D:D:D


If i am counting right i should be playing 29 specs

But after few months in the game playing new class is just really easy but yet not on high mmr.

  • 3 weeks later...
BDK is the best healing class over here.

Nope sorry the highest best healing in the game right now have Resto druids and Mist Monks. Bdks only seem immortal cuz of their masteries (When their full hp the gain shields instead of heals) and dmg reduction, the healing overall isnt the great. Its really easy to counter them with certain abilities.


- - - Updated - - -


in order to "play" one class well against other people you must understand (or better master) all the rest.. you know their cds/playstyle/rotations. This may even help you calculate the outcome of a battle before it has even begun

There's no way to actually calculate the outcome of CHANCES since its not a bot hidding behind that character since its a player. Completely unpredictible.


There's no way to actually calculate the outcome of CHANCES since its not a bot hidding behind that character since its a player. Completely unpredictible.


nobody wants u to predict 100% of your enemy actions...

you should just predict what your enemy is going to do next with highest probabiliy i.e if priest uses his feather+stealth he probably wants to fear u so you should deny his actions somehow/ couter general concept of your enemy setups etc

There's no way to actually calculate the outcome of CHANCES since its not a bot hidding behind that character since its a player. Completely unpredictible.


I agree that, I played against teams who used cds when they were behind the arena door, players who enter nude to arena god knows why... Anyway, you can have a global idea of what the people could do, but that doesn't apply to all players.

Posted (edited)

Honestly, on this post i see a lot of ppl making warriors, hunters , locks, mages, etc... Very op class.

I didnt saw any post about balance druids, rly this class on this server its ok, but 2 important talents are bugged, for me in MoP one of the most op classes its balance druid, and normaly on retail when they made the 5.4 pach they became op with rogues. Be sure no1 can beat a good rogue bcz are so op on this pach, but what about balance druids?? Its the single class who can easily beat rogues and own them without problems, its like his anticlass. Well hunters and shadow priest are pretty good againts casters, btw a good balance player can counter them, maybe it took 10 minutes, because balance have one of the most best survival as dps spec. I rly dont care about ppl when cry and QQ about boomy when they lose and the tipical sentense " you are healing a lot" " stop running and healing you" its like saying to war "remove second wind" omg if you dont know how to beat boomy just shut up, ofc this class as another caster should run againts melee, why do you think they have force of nature ( bugged here) and have most healing spells than another dps class, bcz without heals boomy are nule in pvp, and yeah we need run, but i wont do it if the tree talent works, we rly need instant roots and an additional dmg from pets. I guess balance druids are pretty good in MoP and rogues too.

Edited by driun

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