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DK's Talent Chilblains

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The Talent:

"Victims of your Frost Fever disease are Chilled, reducing movement speed by 50% for 10 sec, and your Chains of Ice immobilizes targets for 3 sec".


The Problem:

The Part of "and your Chains of Ice immobilizes targets for 3 sec" don't work as should be, when i cast Chains of ice on my target, he is immobilizie for few seconds but when the target rooted receive any damage, the immobilizie effect ends immediately.


How Should Work:

When cast Chains of ice on any target the immobilize effect must keep on the target if he has been received damage or not, namely, the effect have to keep for the full duration (3 Secs XD).



Since Cataclysm this effect suffered no changes.



PandaWOW Fun PVP




Srry for no use evidence, because this bug occurs so fast.




Edited by sotoh
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Well, if no one know, this bug still continues.

So i see a lot of DK using Asphyxiate, I think they won't fix it.

Although this is Special for Frost DKs in DW.

So please fix it, i'm one.


Confirmed on 5.4.8

Edited by sotoh
i forgot to add the patch version
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...
chillblains in 3s was taken by dks who played as comp which has many stun drs, for example tsg, you are distracting staff from working on gamebreaking bugs like resilence, which ( i think) is not fixed yet, and i think this is why all classes are doing more dmg than they should do.
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