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Dear Administration!


As every wow player knows, Lighting Shield (shaman's spell) can have up to 7 charges, as elemental shaman. In my case I can't get a single one. However, glyph reducing damage taken by 10% works perfectly as if lighting shield was gettting procs. It's the same when it comes to the damage. Enemies are getting hit by lighting shield but still no chrages. I can only aquire charges by casting lighting bolt/chain lighting. I've tried to change specialization, relog, basically anything. I'm worried that it's necessary to reset that character or something like that. If you have a clue how to solve my problem, please respond here or ingame. Character's name is "Haxies".


Best Regards

Did you try attack 2-3mobs with your chain lighting its best way to charge shield, and if still don't give you charge try delete cache and repair character at control panel on website.
Hah, I love it. "Your character has been fixed." Well it has not. What's more, I've tried to delete my Cache and no result. As I mentioned before chain lighting and lighting bolts DO give me a charge. The problem is being atacked and not receiving charges.
I've just realised that when I get a few charges with Lighting Bolt/Chain Lighting I simply lose them when I'm hit by any atack. As If it's getting wasted due to that damage proc. Looks like it works other way round for me. I've also made a new char, even bought in the shop someone's shaman to check if it's not working for my character only. Well, it was not working for either of these characters so seems like there is a problem with my Data. Please Help!

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Chain Lightning
30.5% of base mana30 yd range
2 sec cast3 sec cooldown
Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing 1029 to 1176 Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets.