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Energy Regen affected by haste is bugged.

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Posted (edited)

1. Energy - Energy

1.1. Haste - Haste


2.Description of the problem: Haste doesn't increase energy regeneration per second of Monk-WW/BM,Feral Druid, Rogue, depending on % Haste.



Affected by this bug are classes with Energy - Rogue,Feral Druid, BrewM or WW Monk. Need i to post in every class section with energy this topic?


3.How it must work: Haste must be increase attack speed and energy regeneration for classes with energy.

My test: When i put staff(or polearm - two-handed) it need to be increased to 14.00 % Energy regen per second passive with two handed. (Now i m with 54 % and it must be ~ 15.00 for exemplary), but it stay at 10.00 with 54 % haste


4. Date when you tested it: 22.06.2014


5. Realm (Fun)


6. Priority of the problem: 8/10




Thank you for reading and i m sorry for my bad english!

Edited by keeperon
  • Like 2
That's not true, that haste influence energy regeneration, what does infuence energy regeneration is haste RATING. It should NEVER count your overall haste since there is too many talents that grant you 5% or 10% etc. melee haste and this should NOT affect energy regeneration whatsoever. So energy regeneration should include only amount of haste you have from haste rating before any other buff or talent.
Posted (edited)
That's not true, that haste influence energy regeneration, what does infuence energy regeneration is haste RATING. It should NEVER count your overall haste since there is too many talents that grant you 5% or 10% etc. melee haste and this should NOT affect energy regeneration whatsoever. So energy regeneration should include only amount of haste you have from haste rating before any other buff or talent.


Bro, your post is not 100 % true. Yes, my English is bad but i dont speak for 5, 10 % talents etc., i speak for haste by items and Monk with Two handed instantly must receive 14.00 Energy Regeneration not stay at 10.00. or calculation on server doesent working correct?

Watch this video for information at 6.45 - 8.32 minute and see him haste - 3.77 = 11.93 energy regen per second

- just for exemplary. There are a lot of PVP Guide and guys showing Char Bar and we can see him haste - energy regen on retail how it work corecttly by videos. Just haste raiting for energy regeneration doesnt working :). I think its soon will be fixed but i m not sure how much time needs to fix it. Edited by keeperon
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  • 3 weeks later...
Wrong. 2 hander does not give 14 energy regen. With 2 hander you just get 40% melee haste, NOT 40% haste. Otherwise everyone would play 2handers instead of DW
Posted (edited)

Apparently it is hard to spend 2min of searching so I will do that for you.

According to: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/795177-Energy-regen


"Haste rating gives energy regen, haste % (Like Slice and Dice) doesn't."


"SnD etc don't increase your haste by a certain percentage but your melee attack speed which is the difference.

Anything which increases haste will increase your energy regen but it has to specifically affect haste and not attack speed. "


So we have this information, now moving forward, what do we know about monks ? They do have passive abillity called Way of the Monk: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=120277


So as you can CLEARLY see what you are talking about is complite nonesene with minor expcetion about haste RATING which should increase energy regeneration. Period.

Edited by Djrapetrain
  • 2 months later...
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