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Hello i want to transmog my set but i can't.I bought new character and his past owner transmog his set to cloth and his weapon to wand.I can transmog it but when i relog it is still the same.How to fix it?



Here's what you need to do:

-visit any transmogrifier

-transmog all the gear you need transmogged

-unequipp your mogged gear into your backpacks

-log out and exit game

-log back in and equipp your gear


I have tested this method on every character I've ever created on this server. It's guaranteed to work.


Some people only suggest that you mog your gear, unequipp it and equipp it again. While in some cases this can work, there are rare cases when it doesn't. Just follow my method step by step and come back here if it still doesn't save. Good luck!

Hello i want to transmog my set but i can't.I bought new character and his past owner transmog his set to cloth and his weapon to wand.I can transmog it but when i relog it is still the same.How to fix it?

remove all the items from the transmog npc, then move all your equipped gear into your inventory, then relog ingame and equip your gear back. 100% guarantee this method works!

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