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Transmogrification/Reforge Bug


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I was just looking at sites yesterday about items to tmog my warlock on his tyrannical gear.

So i got the gear and went to transmog it and it worked... Then i got disconnected from the sever so i join back and my items are back to normal.

Then i was like "Ok, that's probably a bug." so i tried again to see if it would work and it didn't.

Then i was like "Ok Transmog doesn't work..." So then i go to reforge my gear and some didn't even work and bugged out. Some just did the same as the Transmog.

I reloged and they went back to normal. So i went' Omg i need to make a thread about this" so this is how i'm here.

Please try to fix this soon.

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It has been said over a hundered times, and if you would use the search button you would have found out. Or even looked in the pandawow x100 section, there will propably be a post about this aswell, or 3.

You have to do the following ;

Transmog all the gear you want to transmog

Unequip all the gear ( the tyranical or grievious gear you just applied the transmog on to ) and put it in your inventory

Relog ( almost naked )

Log back in & re equip your armour/weapon.

Fixed, transmog will stay





Just from a quick search :




Edited by Hijax
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