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A guide on how to make PvE on this server (altrough its bugged as hell)

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Posted (edited)

In this guide i will NOT give information on how to complete every quest and every single step,instead ill give information on what doesnt work and some other stuff.(no links-too many)


Way number 1:Solo old content!(HEROIC ONLY)


Personally this is what i do in my free time when playing wow(or going in borean tundra with allies cuz im horde)

Dungeons/raids you would like to solo:

1.ICC-its a huge and very hard raid even for full Grievous people(except for healers and warrs).First boss is Lord Marrowgar-dont use pets or hell bone spike you and youll die.Bloodworms(bdks passive) too.Gunship battle is bugged.LK will knockback u out of the platform and when hes below 80% he will teleport u to middle to knockback u out ,so you will either:have to constantly go back so stairs and face other direction OR have goblin glider but still a disadvantage-2min duration,3min cd!


2.Black Temple-I havent done this in a very,VERY long time if we dont count the runs with twinks(not full runs obviously).You might have a trouble with some gates so better wait for Akama to finish his slow coming to Shade of Akama,then kill Shade of Akama.When you get to Illidan,I suggest bringing a warlock with you,because he needs to set up a gateway to Illidan-gates are closed.Good luck with your legendary weapons.


3.Karazhan-pretty much only for first boss,but DO NOT instant kill him,wait for the guy to come and ride the horse THEN kill him and get the mount.I have not gotten trough any other bosses and im sure that chess event may not work.


4.Tempest Keep-Awesome raid!Al'ar is immune to fire damage(warlocks too)Be ware of the first boss(blood elf which knockbacks you in air) and either: Down her quickly or just get a slow fall potion/class.For Kael'thas Sunstrider i prefer being a very strong class with alot of patience or get a pet for a reason(see next sentence).When downing him,and he flies in air DONT kill him,run away so he can run to you on ground or taunt him with pet and make pet on Follow stance.Good luck with awesome mount.


5.Utgarde Pinnacle-Do this for a mount called Blue Proto-Drake.When the guy with the drake flies,kill the trash he spawns,loot their harpoons and youll get a warning saying:"(boss name) is in range of the harpoons!"(or something like that).Just use them and down him.


6.Sethekk halls-for Anzu or an awesome staff.Just kill everything,go to anzu and loot him(dont insta kill)


7.Firelands-Guide on how to solo here:(not mine)


8.Dragon Soul(WHEN FIXED MADNESS OF DEATHWING):Another guide by Syiler:


9.Molten Bore(no pun intended its really boring)-so just solo it,get some old raiding tiers (Tier1-Tier4)


10.Battle for mount hyjal-First take portal to alliance base(from caverns of time).Then ask Jaina to start.2 waves,nothing to be ware of(after last wave just kill bosses).Same goes for horde for both waves,beware of flying gargoyles or infernals which will spawn in the center(after 2nd wave).And Archimonde.I suggest bringing a pet with you,because he will make you immune to attack and will drain your hp.Drops one of my favourite items-Tracker's Blade and Tempest of Chaos(Cobrak transmog weapons-his armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/cobrak/simple )


Enough with old content(everything was done with 523 destro lock Firechaos)


Way 2-Dailies!(not neccesarry low rewards but still remember to do them if bored)


1.Klaxxi Dailies

Not working quests:

Beneath the Heart of Fear

Skeer the Bloodseeker

The Poisoned Mind

Dark Skies(after bugged ^)

Quiet Now(its a quest)

Shortcut to Ruin


2.Shado-Pan Dailies(not assault :( )

Not working quests:

Running Rampart(how do u scare?)

The storm gathers(missing flying stuff)

The Motives of the Mantid

Riding the storm

Challenger's ring quests


3.Order of the Cloud Serpent-just do the quest for mounts altho you can do it on fun.


4.The Tillers-bugged farm,not worth wasting time and some quests for the farm are bugged


5.Golden lotus(coming soon)


And finnally I reached the end of my guide(so long) so for the PvE(and PvP) things we need some fixes from abilities items,classes and other stuff.


So I beg pandawow so much to fix the following items COMPLETELY( no rage when i use caps lock,just attention):



Doesnt give burst and doesnt end when used.(when land should dissappear)



No animation especially when its a long distance(cool)


So dont argue with me for complaining about a single animation on a spell which all of you may think its not needed,check this post-shorter animation,10/10 and now its fixed




EDIT:can't wait for fixes and btw great server pandawow

Edited by Frostshotz
no not like that u need bugged items to open doors and bugged flasks to get op armor ,,, u know why? bcz its bugged as hell ,,, and GMs already banned 3 best pvp players on 100x for idk reason
Most likely, those people were banned for using exploits. I vote for permanent ban for ANY use of exploits on this server. They should consider themselves lucky they were only banned for a month.

and dude u suck in pve trillers works fine and icc easy I can do it with only 1 person (we were not full geared tho ele shaman and resto dudu) BT easy as fk u can solo it with 500 or less ilvl,,, and btw don't link anything on youtube its private server that its not even close to retail


and 1 more thing ICC sucks here only 10n working others are bugged as hell and platform sucks,,,, and here bcz its sooo muuuuch good on 10n is like 25hc with easy thing but high hp of bosses and guess what ! mount drops in 10n 100% bcz much pro


and I u r much good go do hard pve things not these low raids/dungs that u only need to dps a wall


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uraganuu tell me why orcotait is banned ,,, I checked rules u put it said for selling gold for real money I mean rofl wtf :D


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1 more thing maybe u r mod and u should look more at chat and what good players are talking in their guilds and other than English chat or world chat ,,, its not going well over here with these bans


Why not linking from youtube?Firelands works fine and look what i said:when madness of deathwing gets fixed.Btw didnt u read that i did it with a destro lock?Not with a shaman so i dont have that much heals as u have.And i didnt say that BT is impossible.Why do you complain about it?


And about ur first post:wut?I just linked that i want those 2 things fixed because when we all posted on goblin glider and warlock gateway we recieved a 50% fix,so i didnt say anything about flasks,potions(stupid economy 100k a potion) or anything.Ijust said that i want them fixed for PvE and PvP reasons.


EDIT:He should look at guild chat?That means either:People must tell him what is everyone typing or he should rejoin guilds 24/7.Oh and to say ur not doing well with guild chat either.

Posted (edited)
2.Black Temple-I havent done this in a very,VERY long time if we dont count the runs with twinks(not full runs obviously).You might have a trouble with some gates so better wait for Akama to finish his slow coming to Shade of Akama,then kill Shade of Akama.When you get to Illidan,I suggest bringing a warlock with you,because he needs to set up a gateway to Illidan-gates are closed.Good luck with your legendary weapons.

you need to kill every boss like in blizzard's official wow server/realm but when the time come to go up stairs and continue forward to kill http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=22947 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=23426 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=22917 you need to back to http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=22856 and then go for the final boss http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=22917 because the event with akama is little bit bugged


3.Karazhan-pretty much only for first boss,but DO NOT instant kill him,wait for the guy to come and ride the horse THEN kill him and get the mount.I have not gotten trough any other bosses and im sure that chess event may not work.

i tried maybe 10 times but still didn't dropped in x100, x10 and fun realms of pandawow and i feel bad :cry:


6.Sethekk halls-for Anzu or an awesome staff.Just kill everything,go to anzu and loot him(dont insta kill)

2 times i killed anzu in heroic mode and the boss dropped at 100% the rooster mount lol and i skipped the other bosses without killing them


10.Battle for mount hyjal-First take portal to alliance base(from caverns of time).Then ask Jaina to start.2 waves,nothing to be ware of(after last wave just kill bosses).Same goes for horde for both waves,beware of flying gargoyles or infernals which will spawn in the center(after 2nd wave).And Archimonde.I suggest bringing a pet with you,because he will make you immune to attack and will drain your hp.

you can go to the spawn place to save some time and when you kill http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=17767 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=17808 then you need to go here http://www.wowhead.com/zone=3606#screenshots:id=62984 and start the event with trall and continue then when you reach http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=17968 then you need to stay in 1 place without moveing because the boss can oneshot you with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=31972 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=35354 so your level and health doesn't matter to this boss because is bugged since the burning crusade (the script for the boss is very old and this script is in most trinity/skyfire cores (developers will understant what i meant with this))


4.The Tillers-bugged farm,not worth wasting time and some quests for the farm are bugged

i have exalted with the tillers and some "farmers" related to this faction but i suggest this guide to be read before starting questing http://www.wowhead.com/faction=1272#comments and this helped to me alot


And finnally I reached the end of my guide(so long) so for the PvE(and PvP) things we need some fixes from abilities items,classes and other stuff.


So I beg pandawow so much to fix the following items COMPLETELY( no rage when i use caps lock,just attention):



Doesnt give burst and doesnt end when used.(when land should dissappear)

also this enchant must have acceleration and yes as you said the buff must disappear when the player land



No animation especially when its a long distance(cool)

So dont argue with me for complaining about a single animation on a spell which all of you may think its not needed,check this post-shorter animation,10/10 and now its fixed

demonic gateway have alot of problems: buff doesn't appear when you cast the spell, broken animation while traveling from point X to point Y, also both cirles have health which the other players like warrios can charge on them and the players in your party or raid group can heal them (tl;dr - may bugs have)




i forgot to say something about karazhan..


you can do it solo but you must be atleast lvl 90 with green gear so after you kill http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=16181 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=16152 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=15687 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=15691 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=16457 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=16812 - event , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=15688 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=16524 , http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=15689 and then you reach "the chess - http://www.db.pandawow.me?object=185119 so you can't start the event here but you can skip it if you're a warlock or hunter or mage and hit http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=15690 then the boss will you come to you and you can kill it and loot it but this boss http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=17225 is not spawned

Edited by sysx
  • Like 1

in FL 2nd boss works fine yes sooo matesh (im not good with names) and if u solo FL imma give u 2 accs of mine


and u said icc need full geared raid (lol it needs 2 man and not even full geared :D to do it tried on 10hc to kill LK we got him to 10m but after that platform bugged and we were standing in middle it threw us down idfk why)" 1.ICC-its a huge and very hard raid even for full Grievous people" hahaha :D I liked that


u said 4.The Tillers-bugged farm,not worth wasting time and some quests for the farm are bugged ,,, I think ur pve is bugged :D


u are talking about low raids and saying AWESOME RAIDS ,, like wth ,, they were awesome 5 years ago


3.Order of the Cloud Serpent-just do the quest for mounts altho you can do it on fun. u don't need to do full quests lel u need to do some to get exalted only :D and go to the island near it to get riding skills from quest giver over there


and about BT just don't talk about it ,,, ur guide sucks ,,, u can do it in very easy way,,, if akma didn't open doors or bugged or something just do relog gg easy


just go try MoP dungs/raid and stop giving guids about low raids/dungs that a healer can solo them(although they are wrong what u said )


try to do some solo raids/dung that are bugged some how like uldar/the eye (for 2 mounts) ToC BWD


u r somehow good in pvp but in pve ,,,,, just an advice from a good person ,, don't make guides again :D


Sysx i just had problems with opening gates but solved them anyway ty.Most of the times i played on Eternal-WoW server with custom BT content and i still think that some of the stuff like there are same here,but they arent.I did Karazhan but bugged 1st boss with chaos bolt which is an instant kill and wasnt able to loot it.Sethekk halls just has 100% drop rate or im so lucky to get the mount.And about battle for mount hyjal-i just love moving and he cant kill me i just popped heals then i let my pet to kill him because i was unable to attack,but still he didnt drop http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=30910 :( .The tillers are mostly bugged (in my opinion) and idk what we are supposed to do with them because we could have just farmed mats (litteraly).Goblin Glider and Demonic Gateway-i posted them here because i think that pandawow will still say that they fixed atleast most needed stuff (true) and i thought that they will refuse to fix them more.Thanks for karazhan tips i didnt go to other bosses i did it only for mount.


BTW:thanks for starting the real comments,not about why are these guys banned or something


uraganuu tell me why orcotait is banned ,,, I checked rules u put it said for selling gold for real money I mean rofl wtf :D


- - - Updated - - -


1 more thing maybe u r mod and u should look more at chat and what good players are talking in their guilds and other than English chat or world chat ,,, its not going well over here with these bans


I do not investigate bans, that is not my job. As for the chat, I'm unable to see guild chats(unless I'm member of the guild) or private messages between players.

These bans are given for breaking the rules of the server, not for being a good guy or for "doing nothing". Instead of criticizing the actions of people responsible for this server, why don't you admit your mistake? Do you think that bashing the one who punishes you will make your punishment go away or be in any way lesser? Quite the opposite.

Remember, if you know how an exploit is performed, you do NOT do it, you do not show it to anyone. You follow the guideline for bug reporting/exploit reporting and post it in it's right section of the forum, or you will get banned. A GM doesn't waste hours upon hours reading chat logs to see your intentions, he just reads the logs where an exploit is being used and applies punishment, as he should do.


Maybe you tried to sell your gold glitch for bonuses?

I do not investigate bans, that is not my job. As for the chat, I'm unable to see guild chats(unless I'm member of the guild) or private messages between players.

These bans are given for breaking the rules of the server, not for being a good guy or for "doing nothing". Instead of criticizing the actions of people responsible for this server, why don't you admit your mistake? Do you think that bashing the one who punishes you will make your punishment go away or be in any way lesser? Quite the opposite.

Remember, if you know how an exploit is performed, you do NOT do it, you do not show it to anyone. You follow the guideline for bug reporting/exploit reporting and post it in it's right section of the forum, or you will get banned. A GM doesn't waste hours upon hours reading chat logs to see your intentions, he just reads the logs where an exploit is being used and applies punishment, as he should do.


Maybe you tried to sell your gold glitch for bonuses?


So true.Idk if he tried for bonuses i was sleeping at night.


selling gold glitch ? oh ye that guy ^_^ I got ss with me about him he kept begging me for telling him the glitch and he offered me 2 person mount to tell him ^^


1 more thing ,, u r a MOD I think u can check my inbox here about how many1 is asking for it ,,, im not trying to be "THE BAD GUY" but how can I talk with GM ? if they are busy people and they don't care about that?


Frostshotz u r firechaos in my guild ? if yes ,, will have different chat with u in guild ^_^


If you went on on several threads on the forum saying you know about a gold glitch, of course you got your inbox spammed by people willing to make a quick furtune with 0 effort.


I'm a moderator in game, not on the forums, and neither should a forum moderator be able to view your personal messages. Afterall, anything that requires a username and password is imminently private, unless you're like a terrorist and the CIA plants a guy in this server's staff to monitor terrorist activities. :)


You cannot talk to GMs as most of them don't know english. I only know one that does speak a little english, but he's the lead game master. A very busy person who lacks the time to hear/talk to every individual player about who knows what problems. I can't fix a single bug/quest/spell in game and I get spammed with: "hy GM I have a bug you need to see!!1" all the time. Imagine a GM's inbox :)

The proper way to report exploits/bugs is to write a thread on the forum, in the right section, following the posting guideline. You don't need to describe how the actual exploit is done, but as much information about it is necessary. I'm completely sure a developer or an administrator will figure out what the glitch is and does just by looking at a brief description of the problem.

Do that. Do that for any bug/exploit you see and wish to get fixed, because it WILL get fixed.

Oh, I think you could even post the actual exploit method on the forum, it still wouldn't matter, because GMs have tools to keep track of such things. Once an exploit is known by the administration, it's in the queue for fixing. If anyone would be so ignorant and foolish to actually try it, after it being posted online, they will do it with the risk of 30 day ban, or even permanent ban. I wouldn't risk that for gold.


well 1st of all I didn't use that glitch since like 2 weeks or idk when (so I didn't get ban for that)

2nd good possibility some1 was asking me in game to give him glitch for mount[ATTACH=CONFIG]41370[/ATTACH]

or 3rd of all this person over here reported me for saying that ik that glitch ,,, but I wouldn't tell it to him so he ssed me saying anything and reported (highest % )


a GM didn't inspect my Log/char/acc in game and ban me ,, bcz if he did he would find that I didn't use it

I just need to know why im banned (ik that firechaos that frostshotz who tried to scam me with mail that ill report now ) reported to u something or any other mod and u made it reach higher rank GM

just need to know banned reason-_- it said I sold gold for real money

it said I sold gold for real money


If that is the reason, then you tried to sell the glitch for either money or bonuses, wich is basically the same thing in here. Remember that google translate doesn't give accurate translations.

I checked forum rules ,,, and if so can I have a proof of doing that ?-_- I mean wtf if I didn't tell people how to do glitch they try to be smartasses and report me ? and make me talk anything then SS ,,, if so show me that I gave gold glitch to any1 ,,, else say u r banned for another reason ,, this is fked up ban reason

1) This isn't the right place for a ban appeal.

2) Moderators aren't in control so cannot verify such things.

3) If GM says you did it, you did it.


Make a proper appeal for your ban and a GM will present proof. Write it in a polite manner. Asking them to remove your ban in the same sentence with cuss words will NOT get you unbanned.

No reason for applying a ban is, as you say, F...ed up, and no ban is applied without a strong reason.


well how do I find that in Russian ? and btw iam asking since like 3-4 days maybe more ,,, and no one telling me -_-

u banned 3 best English pve players btw one of them for saying bad words(same as one of mods did) (other for using item)(other for reason that only god knows about it) ^_^


GL with that ,,, I think this will be only for Russian players ,,, better for us to go and help molten in beta server (at least GMs ARE BUSY "IN MAKING SERVER BETTER")


and as I said good players can be bad when they want to ,,, cya around

Updated guide on 5.07.2014.Tactic for boss Lord Marrowgar implemented(ICC).Added more shado-pan dailies.Upcoming update to guide-gold and valor earned and golden lotus dailies.


About this server or molten beta?I dont see any changes to this server.Either they are minor or just they are doing chanelogs every 1 month.

A changelog every month, considering the limited number of developers working on it, is more then enough, plus they fix MANY things in every changelog.
Well u think its the same because they dont fix what we need or atleast what specific stuff we are requesting.If u look at their point of view they MIGHT be fixing something really.

well ,,, its private server ,, and u cant deny that GMs are getting good amount of money from it ,,, and u know to get more money u need to spend a bit ^_^


that's how molten works,,, I left pandashan bcz it was low server and here was better,,, I checked it 2 days ago,, pandashan got ToT archeology ToES MSV ICC ,, we got nothing(or they are useless) ^_^

they need to hire more dvs if they cant do good fixes alone

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