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Item: Glyph of shadow

Mako Mori

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1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=107907/glyph-of-shadow


2. Description of the problem. When using this glyph while the priest is in shadowform, shadowform takes the intended transparent look, but if you get out of shadowform by canceling the aura or casting a holy spell like flash heal/binding heal, shadowform is cancelled but the visual effect from the unglyphed shadowform remains(black visual). So when using this glyph, shadowform visual is transparent and unshadowform visual is the normal(unglyphed) shadowform look.


3.How it must work. Transparent visual effect when in shadowform, plain looks of the character when out of shadowform instead of the black effect visual.


4.Date when you tested it.



5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), 100x


6.Priority of the problem. 1/10


Note: It can be fixed if the glyph is removed and player relogs afterwards, but it's gonna happen again, glitches everytime. Another minor visual bug. I'm just reporting it cause it pisses me off and I'm a sucker for cosmetic glyphs, lol.

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