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Rerolling a pure pvp class.nk


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Hi everyone.


I'm going to reroll a pure pvp class and i can't decide between a frost DK, Sub Rogue or WW Monk.


I read the bug tracker on the forum and i'm afraid WW Monk is kinda bugged, but idk how big are the bugs for the monk.


What are the pros and cons of these classes in this server?. :D Are they good for Arenas/BG?


P.D. I love to stay alive in pvp fights, so if you can recommend another class with good sustain (Doesn't matter the skill cap) your opinion is welcome! . But i hate to abuse bugs (Like MW Monk spheres.)

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I have fully geared rogue and i can say it's really fun to nuke people with starter gear with one button

. But i don't think he can stay alive but you have tons of abilities to run like vanish and cloak of shadows.

For the DK i don't think he has that much survive abilities supposed to warriors(like shildwall and second wind) and i think they are easier to kill than rogues.

And i can't say nothing about the monks because i don't play but i think rogues and dks are better in pvp. :)

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You can try rogue, is really fun to play and do a lot of damage with cds, Unholy Dk is AMAZING, really good vs casters and do a good amount of dmg without cds, Frost DK can kill in 5 secs and also have cds every minute...


I didn't play WW Monk so I cann't tell you how playable it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Frost dk is so much better than rogue at the moment. The thing you deathgrip will be dead in like 4 secs and the pressure you puts on healers is amazing, plus it hasn't a veritable anti-class, maybe only a warrior arms that knows how to use his cds.

Ww monks are unplayable because abilities damage scaling from weapons is bugged, so their damage sucks now. Uh and for the survivability... Frost dk hasn't so many defensive cds, your main way to stay alive is to kill things before they kill you :D

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
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watch this video and you'll know what class you will roll on PandaWoW




yeah all beautiful, but that burst is a result of bugs, sub rogues aren't supposed to be oneshotting people in an opener in less than 3 sec. So they will be tuned down with fixes, like ele shamans. He therefore shouldn't be chosing the class to roll only because is the "bugged class of the moment" because soon or after it will be fixed and maybe sub rogues won't be what he was expecting them to be. (3 sec oneshotting machines)


"The bug with Eviscerate has been reported and so has the bug with Stealth becoming available in mid-combat, but it's nice how you chose to repeat everything I said with links and stuff then called me clueless.

I know about Subterfuge, I know about Subtlety mastery and I know about Eviscerate. Currently, Eviscerate is doing 35% more damage then it should and Stealth randomly bugs out. This is testable and observable by everyone."


Quoted from uraganuu, chat moderator of the server, in the "Most OP classes" thread.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
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yeah all beautiful, but that burst is a result of bugs, sub rogues aren't supposed to be oneshotting people in an opener in less than 3 sec. So they will be tuned down with fixes, like ele shamans. He therefore shouldn't be chosing the class to roll only because is the "bugged class of the moment" because soon or after it will be fixed and maybe sub rogues won't be what he was expecting them to be. (3 sec oneshotting machines)


"The bug with Eviscerate has been reported and so has the bug with Stealth becoming available in mid-combat, but it's nice how you chose to repeat everything I said with links and stuff then called me clueless.

I know about Subterfuge, I know about Subtlety mastery and I know about Eviscerate. Currently, Eviscerate is doing 35% more damage then it should and Stealth randomly bugs out. This is testable and observable by everyone."


Quoted from uraganuu, chat moderator of the server, in the "Most OP classes" thread.


I don't play rogue personally but I think there is 1 more problem... The shado-pan trinket 2/2 upgraded should increase agility by 9k or 10k I think but it increases by 18k.

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I don't play rogue personally but I think there is 1 more problem... The shado-pan trinket 2/2 upgraded should increase agility by 9k or 10k I think but it increases by 18k.

The real problem with PvE trinkets it's that in retail Blizzard nerfed them when you equip one while in BG or Arenas. Their item level will be lowered, so that PvP trinkets should always be the best choice. Here it seems that this adjustement isn't working, and clearly as always there are only people ready to exploit bugs at their advantage, so humans with double PvE trinkets are facerolling all over BGs and Arenas.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
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humans with double PvE trinkets are facerolling all over BGs and Arenas.

Orcs too beacause they increase same dmg as the PvP trinket but rogue shado pan trinket literally gives around 20k agility,DOUBLING the rogues damage.So if u dont find a way to get out of their dmg and cc combo,then just alt-f4.Srsly tho PvE trinkets need a nerf in bgs and imagine what will happen when ppl get SoO trinkets and legendary cloack,full PvE set and see the damage.Next expansion should be Cataclysm2.

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Orcs too beacause they increase same dmg as the PvP trinket but rogue shado pan trinket literally gives around 20k agility,DOUBLING the rogues damage.So if u dont find a way to get out of their dmg and cc combo,then just alt-f4.Srsly tho PvE trinkets need a nerf in bgs and imagine what will happen when ppl get SoO trinkets and legendary cloack,full PvE set and see the damage.Next expansion should be Cataclysm2.


No Blood Fury isn't op, http://redhattedrogue.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/hotfix-shadow-pan-assault-valor-trinket-nerfed-in-pvp/, I already wrote on the last post that BLIZZARD already addressed the problem, but here the adjustement isn't working. They have to fix not to nerf.

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Orcs too beacause they increase same dmg as the PvP trinket but rogue shado pan trinket literally gives around 20k agility,DOUBLING the rogues damage.So if u dont find a way to get out of their dmg and cc combo,then just alt-f4.Srsly tho PvE trinkets need a nerf in bgs and imagine what will happen when ppl get SoO trinkets and legendary cloack,full PvE set and see the damage.Next expansion should be Cataclysm2.


if that happens people on pandawow wouldnt see difference between damage hacker/abuser and op rogues... just lol :D

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Right of the bat, since you are saying you want to play pvp and I'm guessing you want to do very well, you can forget Frost DK. It's unplayable at a high level. Unholy is one of the best in battle grounds of any class currently, and other than Warrior you would be hard pressed to find something better. They are also really good in 2's. WW Monk is amazing at 2's. Not particularly amazing in battlegrounds but servicable. Sub Rogue is really good at bgs but not at the level of warrior or death knight. other top notch choices are mage and hunter. That's your upper dps tier right there: arms warr, uh dk, frost mage, and mm hunter for pvp overall, averagining 2s, 3s, and bgs in a sense.


Unless there is something bugged with arcane mages that makes them overpowered do not follow the silly crowd here and play insanely unintelligent and unplayable specs like arcane mage and frost dk in pvp. sure you can show me someone who "does great" or "has a high rating on pandawow". nobody truly good plays that crap and thats just a fact. and no finding 1 example doesnt change that.


out of your choices def sub rogue. if you can play uh over frost, id play that. its really not that much harder to learn. and getting all your damage in big obliterate crits does not mean your doing more damage then another spec with less big in your face crits. also you need to survive to deal your dps.


trust who you will.

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