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enhancement bugs on detail

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Posted (edited)
I have 2.2 in 2c, and 2.2 in 3c, and i can easily say:


3)Maelstrom Weapon : this is far more important to be addressed for than every other bugged ability, because on this one lies the survivability of the entire spec. The problem with it is that the proc chance is lower than it should be. In a duel or so, in like 1 minute fights you will hardly get all the 5 stacks you need to heal yourself, or to deal damage with elemental blast. The stacks are hard to get even if you reforge full haste. I didn't find any reliable source to what the proc rate should be, although on Wowwiki, it's shown that should be around 25 ppm while dual-wielding http://www.wowwiki.com/Maelstrom_Weapon


-Falce. I have 5 stacks 95% of the time in the arena. ~2 used GCD's = 5 stack. Tested by myself.


4)Ascendance: enha most reliable thing to carry in PvP in Mysts of Pandaria is broken, yes. I don't know for sure what's the matter, but the thing for sure is that Stormblast damage and auto-attacks damage (Wind Lash and Wind Lash Off-Hand) are lower than it should be. To test out these claims, you can compare enha's Ascendance auto-attacks damage to the damage of rogue's Shadow blades ones. In fact the damage seems equal here, but it shouldn't be like that, for two reasons:

1) shamans equip 2 slow weapons of 2.6 speed, while rogues have 1.8 speed daggers, this means shamans auto-attacks should do more damage per swing than rogue's (attention: we are talking about auto-attacks while in Shadow blades Shadow Blades and Ascendance, so armor is ignored!)

2) shamans have mastery that increases all the frost, fire and nature damage dealt, Mastery: Enhanced Elements, and, seeing that auto-attacks in Ascendance deal pure nature damage, they should benefit from mastery!


-Falce too. Spell works blizzlike. All spell, with autoatacks. Tested by myself.


2)Searing Flames: this passive ability is even more crucial for enha than windfury.

The problem with this ability is that the stacks are generated upon searing totem bolts hits, but the damage of Lava lash is not increased. For every stack of searing flames, the damage should be increased by 20%, for a total of 100% increased damage. In my opinion this ability should be on high priority, because almost all the damage outside burst for enha comes from Lava lash, and right now, it hits like a wet noodle.

PS: The stacks are generated for resto and ele specs too, isn't that important, but it's still a bug.


-And this falce too . 5 Stack give 100% more damage to lava lash. Tested by myself.

Wow, are you on a personal private server on your own? Ok then meet me on the fun server today, you decide the hour, then we will see if all is working as you are lying about.

You people are just incredible, loled so hard at the part 95% of the time 5 stacks of maelstrom... Guess you don't even experience the general bug of meele classes parrying and dodging like mad 3/4 of your attacks? Please stop writing bullshits on my thread, as you clearly are a troll. Btw, 60k stormblasts are completely blizzlike in full grievous gear, it is completely supposed to do the damage of an Ice lance!!


Ps: I noticed you are Thunderborn, so listen, keep playing with ele (exploiting mastery bug) and don't bother with enha, as you clearly don't know how the spec spells work.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
:D :D :D : D we all know that enh is bugged a lot,but we can't do anything.just we must wait to fix it after some years...It's ridiculous,I deal damage equal full malevolent warrior..

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:D :D :D : D we all know that enh is bugged a lot,but we can't do anything.just we must wait to fix it after some years...It's ridiculous,I deal damage equal full malevolent warrior..

I guess the 2.2 rated troll above is playing in a mysterious private server on his own, populated by ponies and faeries :O


and why You still spam about bugs of 5.4.2 not related to obt 5.4.8, instead reports for new patch we have flooded forum with usless QQ topics.

Devs dont even bother to read this section due unnecessary/invalid threads.

Posted (edited)
and why You still spam about bugs of 5.4.2 not related to obt 5.4.8, instead reports for new patch we have flooded forum with usless QQ topics.

Devs dont even bother to read this section due unnecessary/invalid threads.

I should write bug reports on a server where all classes damage is bugged? You have Prideful gear and you do the same damage you deal with Tyrannical one. No thanks, then the bugs are exactly the same, guess the staff don't want enhancement to be like the other classes.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
Posted (edited)
Yes you have prideful without gems/enchants and resil is increased to 80 % with tinket bonus. Lie more.


Really? It is the international troll day today?? You think a few enchants and gems, will add like 50k damage on a Chaos bolt? Ye because with burst cd popped you are doing 120k chaos bolt at the moment, as you are doing 30k ice lance, 50k pyro blast, and the list goes on. Uh and you think a 10% resil more would do that difference?? Do you know resil scales far worse than gear in late expansion??? And this since tbc if you missed something, and guess what? This is why you don't want to gem any time resil on you equip, as it doesn't worth it.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
QQ more, go to retial. Create more useless threads that something is bugged without formula screenshots ( yeye nobody care to fix it anyway -then stop posting then). Taking everthing such personally? Maybe its time to get a life.
Posted (edited)

Formulas screenshot? Wtf... However why you even post again, you have moved the discussion on a completely different topic, because you clearly know you were writing bullcrap before. Btw I'm really surprised you can actually determine other people life by simply reading on a few posts on an internet forum about a game, you should study to become psycologist, as you really have a gift.

On the retail topic, I think I will just move to Molten once the Pvp tournement server will be upgraded to 5.4.2, then I'm moving to AT.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
- - - Updated - - -



I guess the 2.2 rated troll above is playing in a mysterious private server on his own, populated by ponies and faeries :O

Nice joke. You need to be geared to play ehnahce.

Posted (edited)
Nice joke. You need to be geared to play ehnahce.

"Enhancement" seriously though, why would you write that things work, when they don't? Don't you think there will be a lot more enha shamans if things worked so well like you wrote? I'm not sure where or over what you tested the spell. In retail enhas are one step away from be op, there they are completely sh*t. I could handle a full grievous enha 2.3k rated with a fire mage with only 4 grievous pieces.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
Dude, Rhymezz, I'm full geared enh shaman. Who are you talking to wtf

Check your skill, i have easy up 2.2 here in 522 gear. Wing lash autoatacks 40k+ crits. 120+ instant elemental blast.

Posted (edited)
I tell you that enhancement shaman is bugged as hell and you tell me that im low rating noob.Are you stupid or what?We talk about damage and bugs,not about rating and skills.So if I'm pro with shaman I will deal better damage?No...but you are stupid and say bullshits.Enhancement shaman is a lot of bugged and that is...stop speaking about skills and rating. Edited by nikifor96
I tell you that enhancement shaman is bugged as hell and you tell me that im low rating noob.Are you stupid or what?We talk about damage and bugs,not about rating and skills.So if I'm pro with shaman I will deal better damage?No...but you are stupid and say bullshits.Enhancement shaman is a lot of bugged and that is...stop speaking about skills and rating.


I tell you that enhancement shaman is bugged as hell and you tell me that im low rating noob.Are you stupid or what?We talk about damage and bugs,not about rating and skills.So if I'm pro with shaman I will deal better damage?No...but you are stupid and say bullshits.Enhancement shaman is a lot of bugged and that is...stop speaking about skills and rating.

Omg... Im tester, and i know more about shamans on this server then you. And i said, Enhancement shaman works blizzlike. If you can't play good in this spec, it doesn't mean that spec is bugged. I have all formulas for this spec, and i calculated all enhancement's skills. I just know, damage - blizzlike.

  • Like 1
I don't tell this to you.Just someone told me that I'm noob who can't play and says that enhancement shaman is bugged.This is really bugged,I don't know what you test,but I'm almost full geared without 2 trinkets and 1 ring and I can't deal 160k Stormblast in arena.I always use stormblast when everything procs and the damage is not like in retail.Do you know Bajheera?he have a 2v2 video with elemental shaman and He used stormstrike at the begining without procs.Just his first used spell was Stormblast and dealed 160k to full geared shaman..
Omg... Im tester, and i know more about shamans on this server then you. And i said, Enhancement shaman works blizzlike. If you can't play good in this spec, it doesn't mean that spec is bugged. I have all formulas for this spec, and i calculated all enhancement's skills. I just know, damage - blizzlike.


^^this! I've tested the spells/dmg on dummies a million times (and players) enh works fine!

these people need to srsly learn their class.

  • Like 1
Diablous did 300k with griev gear. I did 120k. It has nothing to do with skill or rating. It's bugged and you "testers" are the worst testers I've ever seen. Why dont u test warriors? Or they're "fine" as well?
axxaxaxa exactly! Someone tested Rogue and said that it's fine,but it's still bugged.It was proved that rogue is still bugged.Sanguinary veins gives 45% more damage incrase...I'm 517 enh shaman and on arena I dealed 40k Stormblast to mage :D..I have 32% crit.How can Bajheera to deal 160k on arena and His first ability was Stormblast.So it means he did stormblast without procs from trinket,gloves and etc..and dealed 160k...It's impossible here.Here you can deal 160k to lower geared players.Warriors can kill you with 1 bladestorm,but Enhancement shaman still deals a little damage with Stormblast...nice one
omg don't be ridiculous.you can't do 300k+.200-250k is possible,but not 300k+...or you can do 300k vs low geared in temple of kotmogu who wears the orb which give him 30% all damage taken and if you have full proc...but it's almost impossible to do 160k on arena.it's ALMOST impossible...rogue or warrior or dk easily do 200k on arena...go nerf warrior and then speak that enh shaman is fine.half of the talents don't work...what if you are tester?maybe you are not so smart...If I'm 6 years old kid who is tester...shall I prove that everything works?You said that rogue is fine,but it's bugged as hell too...russian server...a lot of ppl are dumb as hell and can't think.I'm not pro,but I know what works and what doesn't..
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