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Inappropriate language.

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1. Realm: х10

2. Nickname: Song

3. Inappropriate language after arena.

4. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/6548tg0r1/


1. Realm: х10

2. Nickname: Nubevoladora

3. Racism

4. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/acj6tlcm5/


1. Realm: Fun

2. Nickname: Iknowumirin

3. Offending relatives.

4. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/u7k3xxz9v/


1. Realm: Fun

2. Nickname: Juddaspriest

3. Inappropriate language while losing arena.

4. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/exou4ht5f/


1. Realm: Fun

2. Nickname: Dirty

3. Inappropriate language while losing arena.

4. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/bhedzpp7t/


1. Realm: Fun

2. Nickname: Concept

3. Inappropriate language after losing duel.

4. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/lyveee5u3/


1. Realm: x10

2. Nickname: Lichelle

3. Insulting.

4. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/x38vdbxmh/

1. Realm: х10

1. Realm: x10

2. Nickname: Lichelle

3. Insulting.

4. Proof: http://postimg.org/image/x38vdbxmh/


For Lichelle, please consider the following evidence before passing judgment:


I have attached screenshots. I did not call him names out nowhere, nor did this come about by my attacking him verbally.


This guy has been badgering me, attacking me, and being offensive to me on multiple occasions and I, regrettably, lost my cool in response to him and flipped out and said something I should not have.

The situation you have come across, is one of the true attacker, furthering his attack, by using retaliation against his attacks to make the victim appear "bad" and see if he can get me banned on top of all the harassment this guy does of me. He was attacking me, and has sunk low enough to use my retaliation / loss of composure to further attack me.


I love this server, am active in the community, help others in chat find their way, and generally am just a nice, respectful guy. There are always "trolls" who for one reason or another seek to cause people like myself distress. And when we don't let them get to us and they feel ignored, they get really angry and then try even harder to get to us. Well here is that attempt to try and get rid of me, because I refused to endlessly bicker and fight with him, and instead try to ignore him and just mind my own business.


I have faith the moderators here will see through this one, and realize that I am a victim of "dildobaggns" attacks, and my momentary loss of composure and use of poor language, is being used by him to further torment me and sabotage my time here at pandawow.




You can talk to Starcaller a mod here, and I am sure he can vouch for my generally professional behavior and observance of the rules during our multiple conversations with each-other. He can also tell you that I have been being harassed by someone on various names who has been using things I have said out of context to continually try and see me banned. Again, please consult Starcaller about this if at all possible.


Also, if bad words are offensive on their own, his name is dildobagins and that is innapropriate as well.


This can easily be resolved by him being on my ignore list as well as us having no further contact. I also will pay attention to my use of inappropriate language.


You guys are busy enough as it is trying to bust hackers and other malicious types. You shouldn't have to take time to play referee between two adult men on a chat channel. I recognize this and for the record I did attempt to have him try ignoring me, and I myself have placed him on my ignore list, as well as tried to resolve this between ourselves like mature adults. Sorry to say, this guy just has it out for me. I can only say my piece, provide what evidence I can, and name someone you can trust to vouch for me and the fact that a player has been trying to harass me lately and see me banned with other attempts and that this is just another one of those sad instances. Thank you very much for taking your time to read what I have written, I really wish you only had to worry about the server's technical issues instead of playing "mom" to "children" on here as well. This is not to suck up, but my genuine feelings, which won't change even if you do decide to indeed mute or ban me after all. You do have a great thing going here, hopefully I can continue to be a part of it.


TL;DR it all.

"my generally professional behavior and observance of the rules" - are you serious ?


You have insulted me for basically no reason whatsoever. Throwing curse one after another and now you hope to get away with it ? Please...

You are flooding the english chat constantly from several days now with your so-called wisdom. I as well as many other people have sick of you already, and this is not the first time you have used this language towards players. I hope you will get what you deserve.

Posted (edited)

Again, I don't know what else I can do to defend myself against the player of the character "dildobagins"... (Clearly folks we can see the kind of professional that he is and he couldn't possibly be immature) If I get in trouble for language regardless of the situation so be it, and I'll move on. I can't prove that he has some vendetta against me and will say whatever sounds good on his behalf. I really hope no matter what the outcome, he can just leave me alone, which ignoring should already help.


Flooding the chat? Cursing constantly? I really am disappointed at the lengths this stranger tome will go to see me inconvenienced. I have nothing against you, please just stop man. He proves right there that he has something against me that is within the rule. There is no rule about talking a lot, if you don't like it leave. So called wisdom? Further proof he has something against me or my thoughts, and that this is personal and reaches beyond name calling. I just started on 10x literally like two days ago max man, even if I get banned or muted I will lose a few hours of two days playtime as i restart with a new account. You aren't going to hurt me much regardless.


Take care Quasimodo. I won't respond to this thread again unless it's requested by a moderator, or unless you do one other particular thing I believe you may do to try and get your way. Hopefully you look back one day and feel shameful for being so vindictive and malicious towards some stranger for no reason. Why we cannot just happily play with one another, I cannot say. I have little interest in arguing about this anymore, taking time out of my day for a computer game. I also have no ill will towards you, as it brings me no pleasure to injure a stranger. What results, is what it is. I will ignore any gloating over it or attempt to see you suffer in return don't worry. I've only written so much about this because I am appalled at the injustice and harmful intent I've observed. Also, I would ask that the inappropriate language in his name be looked at and punished at a minimum of however I may be punished. His usage of inappropriate language is an ongoing, permanent issue while at least mine was gone from sight in a few second.My biggest problem with all of this is the time it will take out of the good people at PandaWoW to sort through this crap, or other issues like it, playing "mom" to us players, when they have much better things they could be doing. That is what I am sorry about.


Summary for those who do not desire to take a minute to read what I wrote: Continuing to waste my time on this misguided soul only lets him win more; I will not respond to this further, as I don't want to bump it over new, important postings in this sub-forum/. I don't have anything left to say unless a moderator requests it, or dildo"bagins (the surely mature and upstanding citizen here with an offensive and immature name like "dildo"bagins) does one particular thing to further his attacks.

Edited by noshi
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