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DMG exploiter(s) in bg

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This all happened on the FUN realm.

Time: 7.29. 12:10 GMT+1


Description of the exploit:

Everyone had the Berserk buff, and they all did (near) insta-kills.


Images-> on imgur

The three first images are screenshots of my DMG log, so that you can see that I'm not lying with the

actual insane dmg. (the log is in the bottom left of the screenshot)


Names of exploiters:









(This was all in a bg so I'm pretty sure there were more exploiters but I couldn't catch them.)


- - - Updated - - -


Actually, next bg I go into, theres more exploiters, they all insta-kill me! WHAT IS THIS?!

By your logic every horde player should be banned now.Everybody from Horde expolited that bug.Either every horde player gets banned or no1 gets banned.
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