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DMG hacker strikes again "DRPWN"

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Name: Drpwn uh dk

Realm: Fun or instant or whats that

He uses dmg hack...First he had something like meele attack speed buff or what.,...He did like 20 meele attacks in 2 seconds..We raped him, then he turned on some kind of dmg hack and instant killed us...For whispers to turn it off and play FAIR GAME he answered fuck off...such a virgin :)[ATTACH=CONFIG]47311[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47312[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47313[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47314[/ATTACH]


In screenshots you can see also his partner resto shaman...Btw may i ask..You ban only accounts?...Cause i would say thats the same DK that used to hack week ago...Thx for reading this, have a nice day.

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