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I Couldnt realy find a format for this problem because the format was about crashes/games not starting so im making my own


Character: Diposs


Realm: x100


Problem: So i sold a Sapphire panther for 600K on AH and when i looked at my email it said it sold for 170,503 gold for some reason so idk what happend there


" Sale price " 170,503 gold

"Auction house cut" 30,000 gold ( 5% of 600K which proves my original price was 600K )


"Amout received " 140,504 gold


Pictures :http://prntscr.com/4ai404


Its a know bug on the auction house, i believe when ever you sell something for over 200-300K You receive like 90K.

I guess we shall wait for an admin to reply.


Have a nice day


Its a know bug on the auction house, i believe when ever you sell something for over 200-300K You receive like 90K.

I guess we shall wait for an admin to reply.


Have a nice day



When a admin says anything about it could you keep me updated on this post?

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