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I am getting Lua error in the game so i opened a ticket and the GM told me to delete/change addons i did that and still getting the same problem.

getting the error like this [ATTACH=CONFIG]51904[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]51905[/ATTACH]


Are you getting this error regardless of what character you play, or only on your warrior?


If you only get it on your warrior, delete the contents of your Cache folder in your World of Warcraft installation directory and then use the Repair Character function on your account page.

If you get this error on all your characters, reinstall a fresh copy of the game, do the process all over again, and test your game's stability and functionality by installing your addons one by one. Judging by the error, it looks like one of your addons is interfeering with Blizzard's pre-installed addons.

I really hope this helps. If it doesn't, you need someone more skilled and informed in these technical issues.

Good luck!


So i re-installed wow .even without any addon this error keeps showing of


- - - Updated - - -


This error keep showing of in every character i have so I re-installed the whole game again but still getting the same error even without any addons

go to your wow directory then open interface then addons and delete every folder with name "Blizzard" also delete the Cache folder in your wow directory

try this.. press esc then go to interface then go to help and uncheck display lua errors then delete the cache and errors folders in your wow directory also go to interface then addons and delete every folder with blizzard named


p.s. if this method won't help you i suggest you to download a new wow client from battlenet and using the pandawow launchers for 5.4.2 and 5.4.8

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