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Welcome and thank you for reading my guide about how to utilize your stats in the most efficient way so you can improve your damage and hopefully someone will have use from this guide. So bellow you`ll see the Table Of Contents which I think most beginner players should know if you have any suggestion please do not hesitate and post.

I used few articles from several websites just as back-up fact checkers If I had any information bellow.


  1. Stats / Stat Summary
  2. Reforge
  3. Gems /Enchants
  4. Talents / Glyphs


Stats / Stats Summary



Stats are the core of your character and how you choose to balance those stats will greatly impact the effectiveness of your Fire Mage.

Your stat priority should follow as the following



Spell Hit (6%) > Intellect > Crit > Haste > Mastery



  1. Spell Hit (6%)
    The Hit cap of 6% (2040 Rating) will eliminate the chance for any special ability to miss against other players.
  2. Intellect
    Increases damage and healing dealt by all spells and slightly improves critical strike chance.
  3. Crit
    Increases the chance for your attacks to critically hit for additional damage. Thanks to Critical Mass and Shatter, Fire Mages can reach high effective Crit rates with minimal Crit from their gear. At 16.67% Crit, you will effectively have a 100% Crit rate against frozen players. Arcane Brilliance lowers the Crit required from 16.67% to 11.67%. If you are using Molten Armor, then you only need 6.67% Crit from your gear.
  4. Haste
    Decreases cast time of all spells and increases DoT ticking speeds. At 15.01% Haste (6380 Rating) Combustion receives 2 additional ticks. This is the optimal amount of Haste to obtain from gear. The required amount of Haste is lower if you can depend on a 5% Haste buff.
  5. Mastery
    Mastery: Ignite adds the Ignite DoT effect to your various direct damage Fire spells.




If you are not familiar with reforging what reforging actually does is modify the secondary stats on your gear.


If you do not have the 6% hit cap make sure you reforge until you reach that desired number (6%).Always reforge the weakest stat

On any items without Crit or Haste, reforge the weakest stat (see priority) into Crit or Haste as available.


- - - Updated - - -


Will be continued with detailed guides and hopefully some videos if you guys like it

That and several few others that are mostly used and few of my macros and stuff...atm practicing for ILan 2014 so won`t be able to edit it probably untill tommorow
Im not even sure if the hit cap works,but still nice guide.I see that u said its unfinished which is true.I just play mages for cc trolling but i might use some tips from here.
I never really missed and I am 6% exactly hit capped..like never most mages think that it doesn`t work because when you deep freeze a monk that ability that gives them the whenever they are stunned they miss attacks for 2 seconds and then I just hardcast a fireball in their face and get a heating up

I always thought softcap for casters was 6% and for melee 3%. Could be wrong, tho. I always make sure I get above 6% on all casters and haven't missed spells, unless I shoot when the target is immune or something.

On melee I had 12% hit and was still missing, so I just ignore it completely since you get more then enough from gear to cover that 3%. People say it's broken, I won't deny it, it could be, but at least for me it hasn't been an issue.

  • 1 year later...

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