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Which IQ do a GM requires to get the right to ban peoples ?


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Okay since nobody has made a Thread about the GMs here i go.


I don't know if i am the only one or someone is annoyed by some GMs too but in a few Days i realized something. Everytime GMs get in the Chat he gets hated or greeted.

But yeah it has his reasons, and i think some GMs doesnt care about them. Im going to make a example here:

Once I got muted for like 48hours for writing "ana*l ", ok I didnt know it's a reason that you can get banned for because many peoples were doing it too but the funnier thing is,

at the same night some people where spamming the whole Chat with influd and etc. But okay i buyed myself out on the ban for 50 bonus because I didnt want to stay on a ban for no reasons (to me).


I think people play on this server and are ready to spend their Money (well I am) on it to get it better and not to get banned by GMs (Ashophoenix) by saying something rude in the chat, i meen come on if someone

should get banned in the Chat for beeing rude the whole Chat would be 24/24 banned but I think we all can handle with each other rudeness :P


In the last couple days i saw the GM Ashophoenix banning a lot of people and even when you say your opinion to him you get banned. I dont know who own the Servers or who is the Host but,

the server need GMs that are As many time online as they can, who can help people out on every Question and that even Greets random people when they come in and say hi, yes i am talking about Talvior.

Talvior is in my opinion the only GM who takes care about the Chat (I dont know the other GMs except a few so that doesnt meen they are bad or something, please dont missunderstand me).


I like the server with the bugs, because its way more different then the Live Servers and you can see someone else made it by their own and seeing getting better time by time makes fun to play. But

it doesnt makes fun to see you get banned for no reasons or for some reasons that arent even true or even when you see someone getting banned that is new because typing with Capslok, or trolling around gets angry too..


All im saying the server neeed better GMs (on WoWFUN) like Talvior.

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This is a direct copy+paste from the server's rules:


Criteria for Mutes:

1. Insulting towards players - from 240 to 360 minutes

2. Public / veiled obscene speech - from 120 to 240 minutes

3. Flood : sending the same message with a periodicity less reached the 10 seconds - from 60 to 120 minutes

3.1 Linking item/spell+obscene and other words (anus, dick, admin etc) - 720 minutes

4. Caps Lock in chat: writing messages in capital letters - from 30 to 90 minutes

5. Chat Color: writing messages colored letters - 1000 minutes

6. Insults towards countries and their leadership. - from 300 to 720 minutes




I see you swearing every single day, sometimes I mute you, sometimes I let it go. When you are stating your opinion on me, you are very insulting, breaking two chat rules. Obscene language and insults towards server administration.

I only asked the player to keep a civil tone of language and you said this to me [ATTACH=CONFIG]54108[/ATTACH]


My job is to enforce the rules of the server to the best of my abilities. You don't even bother to read those rules, nevermind following them.

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Have you ever tought about why i said "fuck you" to you ? Sometimes its just disgusting and annoying when you're on /5 writing with someone, some random players comes up and start up with "shut up, omg stfu, lol noob, JAJA" or any art that annoys you. And then you come up and tell me be fair and stop insulting other players when I "rage" on that, that kind of "swearing" you see "everyday", i guess you never saw the Chat before it started it up. If you were in other players rolls, that comes from LIVE SERVER as R1 and maybe with a Sponsorship, to test YOUR server and then you get annoyed by some random kid that think he is cool and must insult you with his "troll skills" and at the end YOU get banned. Do you think this is fair ? If your job is to keep the Chat safe and fair then do it, and dont tell your clients "If you dont like the server, feel free to leave" because that wont let anyone thinking good about you m8.
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And stop "Talk in caps and you'll get banned" what's wrong with Capitalized letters.

Makes no sense :fool:, I feel like I'm in prison in English chat so many unnecessary rules...

But when I say I need help with a hacker they're like in their mind ---Fek u stopid bitch i em GM i woop ur ess--

I wrote a ticket and he replied with "a" by purposely. you GMs are all good about mutes.

as seen on the picture you are telling that person to go fuck himself.








(Do not argue with me)

Edited by Dorgush
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Since you are obviously completely ignorant and careless, I will post the rules again. Maybe this time you will read them.


Criteria for Mutes:

1. Insulting towards players - from 240 to 360 minutes

2. Public / veiled obscene speech - from 120 to 240 minutes

3. Flood : sending the same message with a periodicity less reached the 10 seconds - from 60 to 120 minutes

3.1 Linking item/spell+obscene and other words (anus, dick, admin etc) - 720 minutes

4. Caps Lock in chat: writing messages in capital letters - from 30 to 90 minutes

5. Chat Color: writing messages colored letters - 1000 minutes

6. Insults towards countries and their leadership. - from 300 to 720 minutes


I don't care what beef you have with players, I don't care about your rating or xmog or MMR. What I care about is the cleanlyness of my chat. That is my sole interest. To keep people like you who can't understand what's so wrong with capital letters and swearing out of the chat.

You agreed to a set of rules the second you created your account on this server. Either follow those rules or be quiet, or leave. Don't insult the administration, don't lose control and don't insult other players. Case closed.

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lel you mad brah ? "My Chat" ok then sir.. lmao. But well if we have rules, then there must be rules for GMs too, so can we see them?

And My xmog is fcking beast m8t come at me brah, umirin.


- - - Updated - - -


And stahp looking for a bad excuse and replying the same rules, i already knew them i know them, im just wondering you always mute me.

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Chiv, buddy. People hate you. Im being honest here, you are a jerk to everyone so its only natural for people to hate you. It happens that Ashophoenix is one of them. Im sure 50% of realm's population would do the same thing he did if they could. Anyways, i gotta agree with you on the server rules being..well theres no way to put this nicely, retarded. Free private server having more strict rules then retail? Its stupid i agree, but making a post just to talk shit about GM because you dont like the rules? Dude, this is a new low for you.
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