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As we all now, the 5.4.8 patch update has arrived. Everybody was excited about it, including me. Afterwards, the expressions changed... I've seen people unsure about this update;How so ? The Staff is doing the best job to fix any kind of game disturbance, but I've realized game balance ( especially Arena) is somehow ruined. So what do I mean by "ruined" ?

- Mages got nerfed in some way, the x2 blink is fixed (thumbs up) but the Remove Curse ain't working well (this is a very crucial glyph, cuz mages need dmg in order to slain it's enemy). But now Mage is more-like support then a carrier in arena.

- Balance druids (their dmg very low but heals OP). Makes them support class.

- Rogues are/not working, but they can't carry I suppose. Makes them support class.

- Feral druid, their dmg still low, bleeds hit 8k instead of 20k. Makes them support class.

When it comes to a match vs warrior-monk, you just know u can't win if your skills are equal cuz monks got more buffed then before. ( healer monks)


The conclusion: Only warrior, elemental, hunter, dk can carry a healer.


What's my point... Is there any kind of solution to this situation ? Or I'm just making a mistake by telling this (I hope so ^.^)

Edited by Thegodpriest
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Or just start to learn play at wow without bug on your class for break 2k.

That's will better i think


As we all now, the 5.4.8 patch update has arrived. Everybody was excited about it, including me. Afterwards, the expressions changed... I've seen people unsure about this update;How so ? The Staff is doing the best job to fix any kind of game disturbance, but I've realized game balance ( especially Arena) is somehow ruined. So what do I mean by "ruined" ?

- Mages got nerfed in some way, the x2 blink is fixed (thumbs up) but the Remove Curse ain't working well (this is a very crucial glyph, cuz mages need dmg in order to slain it's enemy). But now Mage is more-like support then a carrier in arena.

- Balance druids (their dmg very low but heals OP). Makes them support class.

- Rogues are/not working, but they can't carry I suppose. Makes them support class.

- Feral druid, their dmg still low, bleeds hit 8k instead of 20k. Makes them support class.

When it comes to a match vs warrior-monk, you just know u can't win if your skills are equal cuz monks got more buffed then before.


The conclusion: Only warrior, elemental, hunter, dk can carry a healer.


What's my point... Is there any kind of solution to this situation ? Or I'm just making a mistake by telling this (I hope so ^.^)



I AM FOR REMOVING things like x2 blinks and remove curse but have you think about that mages don't have set bonus from 5.0.5 i am not %100 sure.

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Ahaha its a private server, you cant expect everything to be perfect. Its not like they have their own office full of people working daily. Appreciate what you enjoy in the game for free. They are not charging you bro. Give them time to fix. Even if there are bugs just report them properly so they can fix it.
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Ahaha its a private server, you cant expect everything to be perfect. Its not like they have their own office full of people working daily. Appreciate what you enjoy in the game for free. They are not charging you bro. Give them time to fix. Even if there are bugs just report them properly so they can fix it.


You are so right man let's give them 2 years to fix the set bonus. I think it's good enough to fix it.

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Ww monks haven't been buffed, they have only fixed damage while dual-wielding, without fixing Dancing steel, that doesn't double proc, and Way of the Monk; thus a two handed weapon is still better. And actually they have been nerfed instead: Tiger Palm doesn't give 30% armor penetration, resulting in an important dps loss. In fact I dealt more damage before the update.


Hw to the main theme: yes this server has a huge problem that lies on the wrong or no priority given on the fixing bug matter whatsoever.

While there are several specs crippled by gigantic bugs, they still prefer to first fix cosmetic minor glyphs, archeology and everything that seems to actually increase the size of the next changelog. That's why I fear this server will be eventually surpassed and eclissed by the upcoming other mop private servers, far better organized.


An example would be the priority on the bugtracker: instead of making the reporter decide the priority, with a number between 1-10, the Devs should decide instead, but with words not numbers, like "critical", "low", etc; after having personally tested and eventually confirmed the bug. This step alone would increase the speed of the most crucial bugs by a lot. Is clear that they would need a huge number of devs, but I don't think this is a problem: they can actually open candidatures like other servers do.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
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^ 70k fist of fury kappa


I did 100k Fist of Fury hits on plate classes before the update with a human monk with all cds up. Now I can't get beyond 70k not even on a leather class.

For all cds up I count Virmen's Bite, Gladiator insignia proc, Gladiator Badge and 10 stacks of Tigereye Brew.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
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As we all now, the 5.4.8 patch update has arrived. Everybody was excited about it, including me. Afterwards, the expressions changed... I've seen people unsure about this update;How so ? The Staff is doing the best job to fix any kind of game disturbance, but I've realized game balance ( especially Arena) is somehow ruined. So what do I mean by "ruined" ?

- Mages got nerfed in some way, the x2 blink is fixed (thumbs up) but the Remove Curse ain't working well (this is a very crucial glyph, cuz mages need dmg in order to slain it's enemy). But now Mage is more-like support then a carrier in arena.

- Balance druids (their dmg very low but heals OP). Makes them support class.

- Rogues are/not working, but they can't carry I suppose. Makes them support class.

- Feral druid, their dmg still low, bleeds hit 8k instead of 20k. Makes them support class.

When it comes to a match vs warrior-monk, you just know u can't win if your skills are equal cuz monks got more buffed then before.


The conclusion: Only warrior, elemental, hunter, dk can carry a healer.


What's my point... Is there any kind of solution to this situation ? Or I'm just making a mistake by telling this (I hope so ^.^)


about Monk , they are completely not more buffed now, they have the same bugs, same damage done , nothing has changed..

Our http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=100787 30% armor ignore isnt working , so basicly we have heavily reduced damage done without counting rest of bugs.

Edited by Arevon
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it's called resilience, don't you see warriors hitting like a piece of cheese


Windwalker damage is spiky, you can't compare it to warriors only because they are both meele dps and all the damage they do is physical...

Warriors don't need to hit over 100k with a single ability because they have spammable abilities with no cd or max a 4-5 sec one (Mortal Strike, Overpower, Slam, etc.) and an unique ressource like rage.

So don't make irony over something you're completely unaware of. Tiger Palm arp bonus is bugged and Ww monks are heavily affected. Try to leave warriors and rogues without Colossus Smash, respectively Find Weakness, to see how great they will perform.

And last thing but not least important: resilience scales far worse as an expansion run to its end. It has always been like that, that's why blizzard doubled the resilience bonus of the trinkets.

So a drop in damage like that would be impossible, as we are in the final season of Mop.

Edited by JohnnyPoozang
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servers are cooming back, i just get log on x10 and fun, play on fun, but server get back down...

Its good to see that they are stabilizing...


i Live in the U.S California its 7:45pm for me right now and all servers are still not up its goes to the realms and says logging in to realm but it cancelled so yea not up yet i hope tomorrow it will be up..


- - - Updated - - -


New thing now for realms it now just says connected on a black screen and stays there..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silly people crying again. Better make reports on bugtracker for spells that aren't already there than crying and listing bugged shit in sole purpose to prove how right you are. So here's something for ya;

1. Read the above written like 10 times.

2. Bash your head into a wall if you don't understand it and try step 1 again. (Skip this step if you understood or whatever reduce some calories by smashing that pumpkin of yours)

3. If by some magic you understood i suggest you to report the bugged spell in bugtracker

4. Wait patiently for the next fix.

5. Stop crying on forums because of bugged shet if you're playing for free children.

Edited by Twigger
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Silly people crying again. Better make reports on bugtracker for spells that aren't already there than crying and listing bugged shit in sole purpose to prove how right you are. So here's something for ya;

1. Read the above written like 10 times.

2. Bash your head into a wall if you don't understand it and try step 1 again. (Skip this step if you understood or whatever reduce some calories by smashing that pumpkin of yours)

3. If by some magic you understood i suggest you to report the bugged spell in bugtracker

4. Wait patiently for the next fix.

5. Stop crying on forums because of bugged shet if you're playing for free children.


The more friendly version:


1. If you find a bugged spell/npc/quest or dungeon please do not point it out go to the forums bug tracker and report it after the rules given to you.

2. If you now have reported the spell/npc/quest or dungeon please do not say it's not fixed and scream about in game or on the forums, simply give your bug report a little "bump".

3. The developer team tries it's hardest to do your wishes and you're not paying them and you are playing for free so please be nice.

Edited by StarCaller
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