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Arms Warrior 5.4.8 (Beginner Guide)


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Gemming, Reforging, and Gear


Currently it is:


Red: + 80 Strength + 160 Crit

Blue: +80 PvP Power + 160 Crit

Yellow: + 320 Crit

Meta: PvE Crit meta, or PvP Meta (Try buying both of these to swap out helmets vs. different comps)


Belt Buckle for an Extra slot


Crit > Mastery


Why crit? You gain +10% Damage from Colossus Smash, and Mortal Strike crits. With nearly 100% uptime it's alot of damage.


3% is the hit cap.


Reforge Into Crit wherever you can.

Reforge into Mastery where you can not.

Reforge out of haste.




Shoulder: +200 Strength + 100 Crit

Back: + 180 Crit

Chest: +80 stats +200 Resi

Wrist: +180 Strength

Hands: +170 Strength

Legs: +265 Strength + 165 Crit

Feet: +140 Mastery

Weapon: Dancing Steel




Blacksmithing for the Extra slots, combined with

Jewelcrafting for the +480 stats gems, are best in slot






15. Juggernaut or Double time


More charges per game the better, Warbinger doesn't stun, making it nearly useless, as you can't charge casts. Personally i find Juggernaut allows me to get more worthwhile charges off per game.


Double time too, works very well, allowing you to charge more CC, and paired with blitz / shockwave can shut down entire teams.


30. Second Wind


It out heals all the other talents by far.


45. Staggering Shout or Piercing Howl


The Disrupting shout nerf has made it redundant, since it now shares a CD with pummel. Staggering shout roots the target, allowing you to root grips, root people in LOS, etc etc. It's the best talent in this disappointing tier.


Piercing Howl works to AoE slow the other team, is instant, doesn't have a CD, costs 10 rage and can be very useful. However as it isn't off the GCD i can't see it being better than Hamstring / Staggering.


Edit: See comments for discussion on this tier, for pro's and con's of using the other shouts.


60. Shockwave


This 4 second AoE stun is brilliant. A Must have for Warriors in Arena.


75. Safegaurd


The intervene nerf has forced us to play Safeguard, so you can escape roots, or use it to peel damage etc. Escaping roots is vital for kills, eating traps and more.


90. Storm Bolt


Currently the ranged utility of Storm bolt makes it the best talent in this tier.


Alt talent choice.


60. Bladestorm 90. Bloodbath


Paired together these can be used to do alot of damage. Only for YOLO mode.




Glyph of Colossus Smash - You don't have to waste globals on sunder armor.

Glyph of Death from above - Huge utility boost as it removes 15 seconds of leaps CD.

Glyph of Bull rush - Adds 15 more rage on your charge allowing you to sit in Distance more.


Glyph of Blitz - Paired with the double time talent, it can be great at shutting down casters and CC. I Swapped Bull rush out for this.




#showtooltip safeguard

/cast [target=Yolo] safeguard


Intervene macro. Make 2 for each party member.


#showtooltip storm bolt

/cast [target=focus] Storm bolt


To storm bolt your focus target.


#showtooltip pummel

/cast pummel [target=focus]


To pummel you focus target.


/target [nomod] arena1

/focus [mod:ctrl] arena1


/target [nomod] arena2

/focus [mod:ctrl] arena2


/target [nomod] arena3

/focus [mod:ctrl] arena3


How to target in arena, and set arena focus on keybind


/cast battle stance

/cast defensive stance


Stance macro so you can swap stances on one keybind


#showtooltip Demoralizing Banner

/targetexact Demoralizing Banner

/cast [noraid, noparty] Intervene

/targetlasttarget [noraid, noparty, noharm, exists]

/cast Demoralizing Banner


Intervene macro for banners.


#showtooltip Intimidating Shout

/cast [target=focus] Intimidating Shout


To root a different target than the one you're currently targeting.


/showtooltip Shattering Throw

/cast [target=focus] Shattering Throw


Shattering throw your focus target.


#showtooltip Mocking Banner

/targetexact Mocking Banner

/cast [noraid, noparty] Intervene

/targetlasttarget [noraid, noparty, noharm, exists]

/cast Mocking banner


Second banner macro.




/target Mindbender

/target Ebon Gargoyle

/target Shadowfiend

/target Psyfiend


Targeting macro for important things to kill in arena.


#showtooltip Vigilance

/cast [target=Huntard] vigilance


Vigi macro, incase you que into RMD or TSG


/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();


Hide's UI errors, 'Can't do this now'


Warrior Comps


:warrior: :warlock: :shaman: - The comp relies around the Warlock creating dot pressure, and the Warrior capitalizing off this by swapping to good targets, or swapping on UA dispels.


:warrior: :mage: :druid: - WMD will have another strong season despite the Hotw nerf. All classes look very strong, The CC and damage this comp pumps out is insane. Having never played it i'm not aware of the strat.


:warrior: :hunter: :shaman: - KFC will have another season moving from strength to strength, the comp is constant pressure, and can train 1 target into the ground. No healer can outheal the Damage, but the comp can lack for CC if traps are missed, and has easily counterable cooldowns.


:warrior: :shaman: :druid: - Turbocleave will have another good season, not as strong as the previous 3 comps, one of the orignal cleaves does exactly what it's name denotes.


:warrior: :shaman: :druid: - Thundercleave could be good, potentialy. Ele shamans scale really well, and are looking really strong this season. It may be hard to find one not playing LSD, though.


:warrior: :deathknight: :paladin: - TSG isn't looking it strongest ever, The damage is hard to manage but both classes can be cc'd and peel'd well by most casters, and major cooldowns disarmed. You'll have fun slaughtering Shamans, but other than training the blue i can see TSG having a hard time keeping it's DK alive.


:warrior: :druid: :paladin: - Dependent on how strong Feral damage is Kittycleave could too, be viable. However it's so hard for ferals to put out next to any CC, and casting clones is a joke, you will be forced into the tsg niche of training healers from start to finish.


That's it from me. Note that this is a beginner guide :) Feel free to comment and criticise this guide. If you want me to add something here just let me know.

Edited by Twigger
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