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Why are BG's fixed to empower Alliance players?

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Also, how do you explain warriors full of 50-minute buffs and buffs not working on BGs, huh?[ATTACH=CONFIG]57841[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]57842[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]57843[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]57844[/ATTACH]
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
It's pretty obvious since there have been almost six games where Alliance wins instantly, while we at Horde have a hard time earning points.


People that have played WoW for years have seen and known certain battlegrounds are simply dominated by one faction. Many people just choose to not queue for those particular bgs. It's really that simple to work around.

EDIT: I totally misinterpreted your post i think. I originally thought you were saying why are certain battleground maps themselves won more by particular factions when compared to others.

It seems you actually are saying "I played six games where ally won "instantly", why does ally always win battleground pvp!?" This is just untrue. My response was in regards to the idea of certain battleground maps favoring certain factions (for reasons unrelated to map design or intent of the designers of Blizzard or maintainers of PandaWoW. While I am one of the first people to ignore and throw away anecdotal evidence, meaning someones experience or what they heard from someone, I have to believe my continued play on both factions and both 10x and 100x realms, as well as asking people on both factions when I play how they are doing in pvp today and whether one faction is winning most, I have found that it really is not lopsided. My feeling and based on what I have seen myself and heard from others, is that Alliance does seem to win a little more. But we are talking like a 3:4 ratio, and that is probably exaggerating. Also if PandaWoW follows the natural, progressive balancing act of USA WoW PVP, Horde players are generally more into PVP, enjoy greater populations on almost every PVP server, and win more PVP overall, and have for years. This includes battlegrounds, 2s, 3 I would guess since this server is international, plus new and not affected by the years of conditioning and movement of players to certain factions and servers, that things would be more balanced here then even retail.


You do not even have to queue for specific battlegrounds to avoid the "unfair" ones, just choose 1 or 2 to skip when you queue random. Hopefully you win more now and have more fun!


As far as WHY are they fixed to empower ally or horde:

Surely Blizzard did not purposely create or modify the battleground maps to cater to a specific faction. There are various factors that go into what causes this effect, again surely none of them intentionally or planned to create a disparity . The important fact of the matter is, playing Alterac Valley as Horde for example, gives something like a 1/100 chance of winning for Horde with random groups playing each-other. That's the state of affairs and the why isn't important now as it is a self fulfilling prophecy where players that know about the imbalance skip queueing for the battlegrounds their faction loses all the time, causing a talent loss further perpetuating the issue.


TLDR: Don't queue for battlegrounds that your faction loses all the time. Problem solved (on your end).


I also don't recommend only queing for the battlegrounds your faction wins all the time as you will have a longer wait due to both disproportionate amounts of horde and alliance players joining that battleground, both in a manner that further increases your queue time.


Feel free to PM me if you would like to know more about which battlegrounds are more problematic for either faction on retail, but you are probably better off making a thread about it for PandaWoW, as I cannot say for sure how the battlegrounds each are on PandaWoW, as I have only scattered playtime over two years on this server, and wouldn't feel right making a blanket statement about the state of battleground balance on this server without seeing anything more concrete.



!!!And one pet peeve I wanna whine about is that people who complain about the way the game is balanced as far as class, spec, or ability strength, or other similiar areas of the game, are barking up the wrong tree and wasting their breath.


1.) If things on retail bother you, you need to realize WoW private servers are seeking to copy and perfectly emulate the authentic WoW experience. They aren't in the business of modifying the numbers for abilities, stats and such.


2.) Even if it was the private servers' intent to "do one better than blizzard, and fix things for the people", consider the following. Do you truly believe the manpower, man hours, and available resources that the multi-billion dollar Blizzard Entertainment company has that they put into fine tuning thousands of numbers, for hundreds of abilities, whilst considering their effects in both PVP and PVE could really be improved upon by a couple dozen part-time guys who do this in the time they have in between the rest of their life? Or would it be much more likely that a perceived improvement by, say lowering the damage of ability X, could result in a ripple of imbalances causing all kinds of further problems, many of which were totally unforeseen issues that were in areas of the game not even taken into consideration when they made said change to ability X?


This isn't in regards to your posting dravenhowl as I know you aren't whining or even asking for changes, just wondering simply why is it this way, so please do not take offense. I only mentioned this because I see requests or complaints about parts of the game on forums time and time again, and its honestly just visually distracting garbage that clogs up the forums pushing sensible threads and posts out of view or consideration.

Edited by noshi
misinterpreted thread post in my reply
  • 3 weeks later...

i saw first print screen and i can tell you why you lose, look at your spells, where is key binds?

Damn, this server 70% of potatoes who don't understand what even spells does and que que about bgs and arenas, learn to play then que. ;)

Have a good day , clickers. ;)

p.s more backpedaling ! #rofl

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...
i saw first print screen and i can tell you why you lose, look at your spells, where is key binds?

Damn, this server 70% of potatoes who don't understand what even spells does and que que about bgs and arenas, learn to play then que. ;)

Have a good day , clickers. ;)

p.s more backpedaling ! #rofl


I agree haha, if you can carry the whole team everyone is yey my backpedaling skills made us win, it's lame :D

I agree haha, if you can carry the whole team everyone is yey my backpedaling skills made us win, it's lame :D


well i can carry bgs alot lol

unless i get 1v20 by tortuga as usual


p.s. play horde cuz fast ques,also never play human-ur considered as a bot if u do so ;)

well i can carry bgs alot lol

unless i get 1v20 by tortuga as usual


p.s. play horde cuz fast ques,also never play human-ur considered as a bot if u do so ;)


Play a human if you want to. No one can say what you will play , and he just says it because humans have that op racial.


Agreed about Tortuga , sometimes i just wanna :bomb: them so they would never return.

  • 3 months later...

how horde player thinks - man if I feel there's a chance this bg will last more than 10min or we are going to lose, I can just leave.. after all my queues are instant lol


how alliance player thinks - if we lose I will have to wait another 20min the queue.. no way I will let this happen


there you go :)

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I have just read your replies, I think it's time to have mine =)


I'd suggest, to give us crossfaction BGs, just because out of 40 BGs I've done yesterday, I won like 10x, I'm playing horde and if I can share with you, everyday is like this, play total 50 BGs you'll manage MAYBE to win 10/15/20. Everyone gone Ally/Humans cause of the racial and it's quite hard to win the BGs when half of your group is from other realm (Which is in my opinion not a problem) undergeared or either ally made premade que with full prideful members and thats how it is ))

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