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fists of furry


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Spell: fists of furry ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=113656 )

Realm: all realms

Date: 2014.10.2

How is it working : do correct dommage but the monk can be silenced while casting the spell

How it must work : the monk can't be silenced while using fists of furry according to Blizzard Correctifs patch 5.3 – 29 may

http://www.millenium.org/wow/accueil/actualites/wow-correctifs-en-jeu-du-patch-5-3-patch-5-3-de-world-of-warcraft-mists-of-pandaria-correctifs-hotfix-86724 (Thursday, May 30, 2013 ) :

- monk

- Marche-vent

- Poings de fureur peut désormais être lancé quand le moine est affecté par un effet de silence et les effets de silence n’interrompent pas la compétence pendant qu’elle est canalisée.

priority : 5/10

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- Windwalker

- Fists of Fury can now be launched when the monk is affected by the effect of silence and silence effects do not interrupt the skill as it is channeled.


Monks can be silenced but the silence effect does not interrupt the skill.

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