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SuggestionS for JUSTER.


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Hey Juster i know you don't understand or speak english very well and im going to do my best to write so that you understand perfectly.


1. Please, write on the first page of the website the following things or add these things in the "Rules" Tab, as they are not there.


Rule 1.1 Do not insult a russian player, you will get banned 30 days.


Rule 1.2 Russian players are allowed to spam,insult you, insult your family, nationality etc, you must not say something back to them because you get banned 30 days.


Rule 1.3 Russian players that hack/abuse bugs in BG's don't get banned. Don't report them.


Add this rules so english/spanish and other people know what to not do or say. I played here for 7-8 months, never had problems with anyone, donated regularly for the server. I've been banned 30 days by an idiot. Game Master named Титан and when i made an appeal, after a week i get the answer "declined" but no explanation. Is that normal? No it's not.


Now the reason i got banned is funny. 3 russian players were spamming me, as i show in the printscreen with /cry, /laugh /chicken because i said they abuse bugs and they are 1k rating retail players. I also said to the 3 players "Idiot Russians". I need to clarify for the idiot Game Master "TNtah" That in no way calling 3 russian player idiots means i called the entire nation of Rusia idiots. Only them and obviously you because you can't do the job you are supposed to do.


So i get banned for insulting on a nationalism base, wich is stupid, i already said why and they even tho they spam me don't get banned or warned. But the rules say "3.4 Flood, spam are forbidden. Flood is sending the same message with a periodicity less reached the 10 seconds." So i get banned for 30 days for insulting 3 idiots and they don';t get punished for starting to spam me in the first place? WHY?


Another problem, i always post hackers/bug abusers and i try to help the server as much as i can, but Bukarasik another idiot NEVER BANS RUSSIAN HACKERS?? WHY IS THAT? I posted some russian hackers, clearly with screenshots and he say "declined" LoL. I make the same post again, he says banned "LOL" i log in game and to check if he really banned them, guess what, he didn't.



So Juster my question for you is, the rules of Pandawow don't apply to russian players? Because it seems you have 2 incompetent Game Masters that don't do their job.


Also if someone insults you in-game you can always use the ignore function. So Juster if you are kind enough, write those rules so other people understand that . Thank you.

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