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Syntax Moderator Application


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GM Application


Hi my name is Tom. However, I am commonly known as "Syntax" or "Skepsis".


Reason for application

I have been playing at PandaWoW for neigh on 1 year now and I feel that after been given the opportunity to experience of playing with you and the community its time to give back to you the staff and the community what i have been given throughout my stay here. I am applying for the role of Moderator as from my current view on the xFun server, that Talvior, Antilogic and others have been doing a stupendous job of attending to the community. However, i have noticed that they cannot as humans keep 24/7 view on what goes on. I believe that by being placed into the role of Moderator I would be able to aid in the work load placed on the in-game moderators and GM's. I have noticed on few occasions complaints on the forums about a "lack" of In-game help/moderation.


Application Realm

I am applying to be an in-game chat moderator for either Horde/Alliance on any server


Information about me.

I have been an avid gamer since the age of 9, as of the time of this post I am aged 17 and currently progressing towards a Diploma in IT. I attend college on Tuesday (9am - 5pm),Thursday (9am - 5pm) and Friday(9am - 4pm), However I am available any day for a number of hours ranging from 2-5+ hours daily. This rota gives me ambient time to harbour many interests and hobbies such as .NET and C# coding, Online Gaming and a recent obsession with literature. I currently reside in the United Kingdom, Timezone - (Greenwich Mean Time Zone (UTC+00:00)).



As of yet, i have been unable to gain experience in the online workplace, aside from my AS level and current college education. I am motivated by my self as a person to strive to achieve, this comes from my attitude as a person "Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching." I personally take this as motivation towards working to the bets of my ability without need or cause other than to improve the lives of others.


Reasons I believe that I am a viable candidate.

I have been part of this community as previously stated neigh on 1 year now, and during this time I have not received a caution/ban or mute during my time here. I have applied my knowledge of the game and its mechanics to anyone whom I see ask for aid, and i do this to the best of my ability. Aside from this, I believe I am a viable candidate, due to the fact that I am willing to devote time and energy to PandaWoW, and not just give but hopefully take something from the experience that will hopefully ensue this application, in order to maintain the community and server that you have provided.


Experience moderating

I have accompanied my father (Currently working as a software developer) to his workplace and analysed how they are observed and the processes they undergo in order to achieve what they set out to accomplish. Other than this, I am hoping to broaden my expertise in this area.



I am available to be contacted in-game via "syntax" or "lickmyorbs" my skype is Tomalton.97 and you can contact me via e-mail at alton.thomas.97@hotmail.co.uk


Game Time

I am very flexible and if needed can be online for the majority of the day in which i am available.


I would like to end this application with a thank you to the PandaWoW staff for their effort and seamless maintenance of this server during my stay. Thank you for taking the time to read this application and I hope to discuss the situation further soon.

With regards, Syntax

Edited by lickmyorbs
Simple visual correction
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Oh well, 5 days ago I could send him PM with the informations (though he didn't reply and I don't think he will either, but at least I could send him a message). Can any of the current moderators contact him or something?

I was on vacation for 4 days, just came back. We're always looking for chat moderators on fun and people, who can work as a technical support on forum and on Facebook. I'll write to you on Skype today.


- - - Добавлено - - -


lickmyorbs, a lot of text :D

Just write me PM on what realm you are playing, your nicknames and оn what realm you want to work. I'll check your posts and ban history, and give you the answer.

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I was on vacation for 4 days, just came back. We're always looking for chat moderators on fun and people, who can work as a technical support on forum and on Facebook. I'll write to you on Skype today.


- - - Добавлено - - -


lickmyorbs, a lot of text :D

Just write me PM on what realm you are playing, your nicknames and оn what realm you want to work. I'll check your posts and ban history, and give you the answer.


And Dude (not to you Кукла) add me on skype aswell!

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I was on vacation for 4 days, just came back. We're always looking for chat moderators on fun and people, who can work as a technical support on forum and on Facebook. I'll write to you on Skype today.

First of all, sorry for the judgement, I was desperate. Please do contact me anytime, I'll reply as soon as I can

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Can someone tell me the requirements of being a chat moderator on the Pandawow server?


Honestly, I didn't think of requirements when I wrote this, but from what i can deduce it'll probably be:-


- Being an active player

- No serious bans against your characters

- Maturity

- Lastly, a reason to be a moderator


Thanks Uraganuu, hope my message finally gets through to Кукла :)

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Can someone tell me the requirements of being a chat moderator on the Pandawow server?


Lektzz once told me this:


You can be moderator if:


-You speak spanish/french and english

-Can be online more than 2 hours daily.

-You have a forum account with a good activity.


If you think you can apply, you can send a pm to our HGM Кукла


Please write in your message:





-How long has you been playing world of warcraft?

-Since when has you been playing pandawow?

-Faction and realm where you would like to be moderator

-Name and factions of your characters

-You have been banned from our server? If yes please write why.

-You have been banned from our forum? If yes please write why.

-How many hours you play a day?

-For-reasons which can be disconnected for a long period of time.

-Free information about you.

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