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Mage Portals


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1. Name spell:


[table=width: 800]






[td]Portal: Darnassus[/td]

[td]Portal: Thunder Bluff[/td]



[td]Portal: Exodar[/td]

[td]Portal: Silvermoon[/td]



[td]Portal: Ironforge[/td]

[td]Portal: Undercity[/td]



[td]Portal: Stormwind[/td]

[td]Portal: Orgrimmar[/td]



[td]Portal: Theramore[/td]

[td]Portal: Stonard[/td]



[td]Portal: Shattrah[/td]

[td]Portal: Shattrah[/td]



[td]Portal: Dalaran (is the same spell for both factions)[/td]



[td]Portal: Tol Barad[/td]

[td]Portal: Tol Barad[/td]



[td]Portal: Vale of Eternal Blossoms[/td]

[td]Portal: Vale of Eternal Blossoms[/td]




2. Description of the problem. Mage Portals cant be used by faction players with exception of mage himself or mage partygroup

3.How it must work: After a mage conjures a portal, players of the mage's faction can use the portal without need of stay in partygroup with mage.

4.Date when you tested it: 11.09.2014

5.Realm: x100

6.Priority: (6/10)

Maybe im wrong at this, because im not trust in wowwiki since is out of date; and in wowhead who is a reliable source never has been mentioned this point.
Maybe im wrong at this, because im not trust in wowwiki since is out of date; and in wowhead who is a reliable source never has been mentioned this point.

the spell even says in game "group members" written on it.. i think this is a troll report.. and by the way the wowwiki was updated 3 days ago.

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