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Hijax back online


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Hello dear forum users.


I had been gone for 2-3 Months, duo to a room in my house burning down. This room was my gaming ''room''. The fire hazard was caused by a moskito killing device, those you plug in to the wall, well it caught fire and destroyed my 2500 euro gaming set-up, 800 euro tv and the whole room basicaly.

I did not have the funds to instantly purchase a new computer device as i had to rebuild my whole room.which costed a lot of money. It was shocking to find out my room was on fire. Luckily i did not get injured and my whole house did not burn down. Yesterday i went to the store and managed to purchase all parts needed to build me a new computer set up.

Now i am back at service, and hoping to get hooked back in to the pandawow community, a lot has changed during the time i have been gone. But when looking at the patch notes, i see nothing but goods and great updates!:appl:


A lot of you have welcomed me allready and this i greatly apreciate.


I wish all of you the best and enjoy your day :)


Edit : This is the sort of device that caused fire :


Edited by Hijax
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Welcome back!


Bummer to hear about your misfortune. I never use those things....I just put insect screens on my windows and I don't have to worry about mosquitoes in the hot seasons.

Have heard before about those things catching fire and having children puts safety first so....never bought one.

I'm glad to see everything is good and nobody got hurt. A room, furniture or gadgets aren't important, just consider yourself lucky you got away unhurt, mate! :D

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Welcome back!


Bummer to hear about your misfortune. I never use those things....I just put insect screens on my windows and I don't have to worry about mosquitoes in the hot seasons.

Have heard before about those things catching fire and having children puts safety first so....never bought one.

I'm glad to see everything is good and nobody got hurt. A room, furniture or gadgets aren't important, just consider yourself lucky you got away unhurt, mate! :D


Yes indeed thanks a lot, im really lucky i didnt get hurt.I really hope to get accepted back into the staff.

Cheers uragaunuu.

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