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Comments for PandaWoW - 5.4.8 trailer.


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Hello. Its quite sad the original thread was closed, and it was impossible to give feedback.

Me my self, like you, want pandawow to have the most players, thats why feedback is necessary, cuz the trailer was plain ridiculous.


The visual side of the video was nice, tho the audio was terrible. The major issue is that you, who ever created the video, didnt think where the world is now.

Russia has entrenched into last century. Production limits have grown alot since then, take alook at other private server videos. Even the childish ones.

My first suggestion is to get an actual english speaking person to read the lines, because the first impression someone gets, if he doesnt know about pandawow, is "What the fuck is this kid mumbling about?" *closes the video*

No offense, but grammar and accent was terrible.

Second suggestion - get rid of the old school reverb. Were not living in 60 anymore and this isnt some cheap soviet toilet paper advertisement. It just creates massive akwardness and gives you a big [ATTACH=CONFIG]63249[/ATTACH]

Third - find a better soundtrack. I can only assume you were worrying about copyrights, but youtube wont give a shit about copyrights in a non profit.


And the last - look at the fonts fashion uses... What is this font, with infinity 3d. Are we back in 1st grade, being forced to learn microsoft word? :D


That will be all. Again, no offense intended, just want to see more people in the server.

Edited by sYnced
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i guess theyll start fixing pve content like patches 5.2-5.4

im kinda sure theyll add green fire :)

hope they do


dont be so confident , they'll do what will bring more people and most people would attract the WoD even if it's broken etc. then , follows the less attractive - SoO .ToT . I'm sure they'll prefer the first one for more $$$$$$. But if not ..then respect :appl:

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dont be so confident , they'll do what will bring more people and most people would attract the WoD even if it's broken etc. then , follows the less attractive - SoO .ToT . I'm sure they'll prefer the first one for more $$$$$$. But if not ..then respect :appl:


i posted a thread about WoD and i hope theyll release it soon since almost every1 out of bgs is full geared and has nothing to do


on top of that they have to fix garrisons since its the first questline :D

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i posted a thread about WoD and i hope theyll release it soon since almost every1 out of bgs is full geared and has nothing to do


on top of that they have to fix garrisons since its the first questline :D


If they'll release wod I think weeks before it I will see tons of monks on sale. :D ( they suck da D in 6.0

3.) and welcome to era when Arcane Mages are OP in pvp!!!

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If they'll release wod I think weeks before it I will see tons of monks on sale. :D ( they suck da D in 6.0

3.) and welcome to era when Arcane Mages are OP in pvp!!!


idk why every1 gets the op classes

i played dlock since wotlk and im still going to even tho its the almost worst class now

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