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How to connect and start play?


1. Download the game by following the instructions How to start play.

2. Register the game account on our site.

Take the registration process seriously: specify only valid and secure mailboxes.

3. To enter the game, you need to use your username and password from the account registered on the site. (not email!).



List of common connection problems and their solutions:




Затруднения, связанные с лаунчером




Проблемы с аккаунтом




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[spoiler=1 - Blizzard_AchievementUI: Disabled. (and similar to the other errors)]



Fixing Achievement_UI

[spoiler=Step one]Go to this file path in your pandawow folder :


[spoiler=Step two]Open AddOns.txt found at the previous file path :


[spoiler=Step three]Once you opened this file you will see all your addons, and wich ones are disabled and enabled. Look for ''Blizzard_AchievementUI'' :


[spoiler=Step four]Change ''Blizzard_AchievementUI: disabled'' in to ''Blizzard_AchievementUI: Enabled'' :


We are done, all we got to do now is save the AddOns.txt file.[spoiler=Saving AddOns.txt]Press file > Save and you are done :


If you go restart you pandawow client and go in-game, the Achievement UI will work.



This problem may occur with any of the standard addons Blizzard:

Blizzard_AchievementUI | Blizzard_ArchaeologyUI | Blizzard_ArenaUI | Blizzard_AuctionUI | Blizzard_BarbershopUI | Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap | Blizzard_BindingUI | Blizzard_BlackMarketUI | Blizzard_Calendar | Blizzard_ChallengesUI | Blizzard_ClientSavedVariables | Blizzard_CombatLog | Blizzard_CombatText | Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames | Blizzard_CUFProfiles | Blizzard_DebugTools | Blizzard_EncounterJournal | Blizzard_GlyphUI | Blizzard_GMChatUI | Blizzard_GMSurveyUI | Blizzard_GuildBankUI | Blizzard_GuildControlUI | Blizzard_GuildUI | Blizzard_InspectUI | Blizzard_ItemAlterationUI | Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI | Blizzard_ItemUpgradeUI | Blizzard_LookingForGuildUI | Blizzard_MacroUI | Blizzard_MovePad | Blizzard_PetBattleUI | Blizzard_PetJournal | Blizzard_PVPUI | Blizzard_QuestChoice | Blizzard_RaidUI | Blizzard_ReforgingUI | Blizzard_StoreUI | Blizzard_TalentUI | Blizzard_TimeManager | Blizzard_TokenUI | Blizzard_TradeSkillUI | Blizzard_TrainerUI | Blizzard_VoidStorageUI

Just find the desired line in the file and make a change addons.txt to the desired value.


[spoiler=2 -Cursor does not move in game.]

  • Start the game, go to System, Advanced. There, locate and change"Hardware Cursor".


http://geekpic.net/dt-G24RYW.png http://geekpic.net/dt-3UZYN7.png


  • If that fails , then locate the folder with the game folder calledWTF, edit the fileconfig.wtf. You need to change one line SET gxWindow "0" to SET gxWindow "1" and save. There's no need to edit other lines in the file for this problem.



[spoiler=3 - Combat Bug.]



  1. The most simple solution - write about it in Global channel. If the Game Master is online, he/she will remove your combat bug. Game Master may be busy or did not notice your message, repeat it several times, but do not flood because moderator will Mute you. You can write a ticket or use the Repair Character feature in control panel on the website.
  2. Some skill that can help: Shadowmeld, Invisibility , disappearance, Feign Death.
  3. If you play other classes , it remains only to die or ALT + F4.


[spoiler=4 -The problem with the Pandaren starting area.]

To get to the Pandaren starting area which is not fully implemented, it is necessary to go to the temple in the center of the island (the Temple of Five Dawns ). There you will find NPC http://db.pandawow.me?npc=56013, which will give you a choice to choose one of the factions:Horde \ Alliance, after which you teleport to the desired city and you will be able to continue.

http://geekpic.net/dt-6CRWGE.png http://geekpic.net/dt-F10BAU.png


[spoiler=5 - The problem with the Worgen starting area.]http://geekpic.net/dt-GLCNSO.png http://geekpic.net/dt-3HXUR8.png


Since the location of Worgen race are not yet fully implemented , and receiving class capabilities isn't not possible with quests, the Administration Server will provide players the opportunity to use the portal to Stormwind and learn racial spells from the special trainer. The trainer stands on the central square in Stormwind Trade District.


[spoiler=6 - Problems with getting experience in the game.]http://geekpic.net/dt-BRK83N.png http://geekpic.net/dt-M6TZ76.png

If you kill the experience gain, or and can't see experience bar that displays the amount of experience at level 89 and under, you go the NPC Slotts(Horde) or Bestin ( Alliance). After talking to him, you can stop receiving experience or vice versa. To start, click "I whish to start gaining experience again" and re-enter the game .


[spoiler=7 -Problem with inactive links in chat for professions, nicknames, items, spells.]


Right click on the chat tab"general", then "settings" and below click"chat defaults", click and close the window. You can right click on general chat tab where you will find an option "Make Interactive" - Wich should be included. This function allows you to interact and chat with links.


[spoiler=8 - The problem of preserving the effect of transmogrification. ]http://geekpic.net/upload/shards/midthumbs/HM/EE/HMEE8U.png


If you have any problems with preservation of transmogrification effect, then, after you transmogify all the necessary items, put them in your bag. Exit the game world and go back. Now equip your transmogifyd items.


[spoiler=9 - Problems with the profession . If you do not see the profession, there is no way to remove it]



You completed all 3 profession quests, for example http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29481, http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29482, http://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=29067 - it's reason why your book bugged.


Deleting a bugged profession: Write this in the chat /script AbandonSkill (ххх), where it says ххх put ID of the profession to be removed. For ID of the professions see WoWHead.com. For example for"engineering" this value is 202 ( the latest number in the link to the page WoWHead: http://wowhead.com/skill=202 ).

If you do not want to delete the profession, but are simply interested in its start-up, you can use a macro: /cast "profession". For example : / cast Cooking.


[spoiler=10 -Registration does not work in a BG ]


If you press the button on the registration BG or arena and nothing happens, it is likely that your character is dependent on the system and is still listed as a member of one of them. Use your mount to fly up high enough, dismount and commit suicide in-game, if that does not help, then use the portal to move to locations. This can be any stationary portal or the one for you to put a mage. After trying again, if does not help, restart the game, wait , repair the character at control panel and try again.


[spoiler=11 - Visual bug: equip display red stats -10000000000]

How to fix it, standard:

  • Repair character in control panel;
  • Repait items in the game;
  • If this equip was reforged, refund all stats (cancel reforge)


[spoiler=12 - Problems with chat: you don't see messages, channels and other problems]

How to fix these problems, standard:

  • Click on the "General" window and choose "Reset Chat windows". If it don't help you, click again "General" -> "Settings". Check a checkmark on "whisper" and other funktions.
  • Esc -> Interface, check all checkmarks in window "Social".
  • Try to disable chat addons.
  • "General" -> "Settings" -> "Chat Defaults" -> logout.


[spoiler=13 - I'm hunter and i've lost all my pets!]

How to fix this problem, standard:

  • Repair character in control panel;
  • Change your specialization to BM (Beast Mastery) - maybe you have pets, which work only with BMs.
  • Put all the pets in a stables at the Stable Master in your city and pull them all back.
    We don't know reason why hunters lost pets. When reason will be found - it will be fixed.


[spoiler=14 - My pet have gigantic size.]


Write in a chat this script:

/script PetAbandon ();

This script resets the effect size.


[spoiler=15 - I posted item in the auction house for 500k gold, it got sold few hours later but i only received 20k gold in the mailbox. Refund my gold!]

Don't post items in the auction house for 400k gold and more - in this case price can be reseted.

And we don't refund gold.



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Error "This account needs to be converted to a Battle.net account"




There is no connection to the PandaWoW servers for several reasons (The lack of a reallist in the config.wtf file, Running the game not through PandaWoW files, problems with the network card, lack of Internet connection, blocking the connection by antivirus software or Windows firewall).


  1. Open the game folder, the config.wtf file, which is located on the path Game/WTF/config.wtf and check if it contains the line:
    SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"

    If it doesn't, add it.
    Or download/update our launcher, it will check and download the necessary files by itself

  2. In the properties of the game folder, uncheck the Read-only attribute:
    1) Right-click on the game folder, select "Properties" in the context menu"
    2) Go to the "General" tab.
    3) uncheck the Read-only attribute
    4) Click "Apply", then "OK" and try to connect again." и пробуйте подключиться снова. 
  3. Launch the game through our launcher. Check the connection.
  4. The problem may be related to the network card drivers, so if the previous steps did not help, update the drivers.
  5. A firewall or antivirus software can also block the connection. Enter our files to run (PandaWoW-32.exe , PandaWoW-64.exe , PandaWoWLauncher.exe ) in the exceptions of your antivirus and disable the firewall to check the connection. If this turns out to be the problem, in the future you will need to configure the firewall so that you do not have to turn it off every time.
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