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Other games and pvp videos!


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Hello guys,


As you may or may not know, before coming on Pandawow I was a pvp-er in a game called Anarchy Online. I've played it for almost 12 years, but was forced to quit because of high subscription costs and lack of development from Funcom. They announced a new graphics engine 9 years ago and it still wasn't delivered, just so you get an ideea how Funcom works.

So anyway, I didn't manage to find my old pvp videos and duels mixes, so I will post a video a friend of mine made for his Agent.

Agents are a stealth class, who rely on killing targets very quickly or facing a very quick death. It's sort of a rogue, only it uses a rifle instead, but lacks the defense measures WoW rogues have at their disposal, such as re-sneaks or skills that remove all harmful magic on them.




Again, sorry about the graphics, but this game is so good in terms of PvP, I would play it on a 16 color Intel 486 system.


PS: managed to find one of my duel videos. I'm the skinny guy called Showoff, fighting a keeper. Keepers have a skill called Slice And Dice that instantly hits 3 consecutive capping hits on target. PvP cap in Anarchy Online is 30%, so SnD does 90% of target's HP, before reflecting/deflecting or other damage mitigation tools. Keepers are one of the most evasive classes in the game, especially vs ranged attacks.

- mind you, this isn't top level, top gear, just a casual duel between friends.


Here's the closest thing we have to rogues in there:

Edited by uraganuu
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Yep, Anarchy Online was "born" almost 15 years ago and it still has the same graphics engine. However, graphics is the last thing I look for in the game. I value complexity, playability, difficulty and the social aspect alot more then sniny pixels.

AO's complexity is close to Eve's. If you played one of these games, you'd know why thousands of gaming veterans ignore their graphics :)


Anyway, thread is about other games. Feel free to share experiences and/or videos from them.

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the only other game I like/used to play is Lineage 2. Had years of awesome pvp there, but I got bored after learning everything there is to know about pvp. So I came to wow which has better class balance and pvp mobility.

Tho L2 in it's current expansion is completly different from what it used to be (they narrowed all the 34 classes into mearly 8, changing all skills) it's also free to play


here's one of the first videos I ever saw

the thing about L2 is that if you are good enough [know some exploits] you can take down a whole clan, tho I've gotten banned for this from multiple servers (twice I got banned for killing GM's pgs lol)



here's one of the best duelist out there

In lineage 2 the arena is 1v1 x)





here's the "rogue" class

man.. you really got me back into memories with that /thread :3



Edited by dotadoom
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