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Sorry for posting here not sure were to ask, but friend of me playing feral but hes damage seems way to low or am i imagening things? Dont see nothing about it at bugtracker, but 20k-30k crits with ferocious bite/ravage/shred seems low (starters gear)

Might be legit idk that why im asking..

  • 3 weeks later...
Ferals aren't doing low damage. Geared ferals rip people apart.

The big problem with this class is that 90% of people who play them, play them badly.


I don't know but i am playing on x100 with trinkets and weapon prideful and my http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=22568/ferocious-bite hit about 50k when target is below 20% and i can't understand why bleeds are hitting different every time. (I am not saying that i am good but i am not sure ferals are ok)


And btw you can say that about every class.

Can you help me get better in feral? If you can pm me i have some questions.

use buff Savage Roar

use Ferocious bite when you have more than 50 energy. Done.

160k ferocious bite on no geared mage, 70-100k on geared ppl.


Don't cry about ferals low dmg. Just learn how to play them.

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