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Anti-magic Shell


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1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=48707/anti-magic-shell

2. How it works: Surrounds the Death Knight in an Anti-Magic Shell for 5 sec, absorbing 75% of all magical damage and preventing application of harmful magical effects. Damage absorbed generates Runic Power.

3. How it works on PandaWoW: It absorbs only 5% of your total HP, and generates a small amount of Runic Power.

4. Tested on : 1.6.2015

5. Priority 10/10 Death Knights can't go up against casters with out this spell.

Edited by Shepard
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It absorbs 75% of the damage taken, makes you immune to harmful effects.. So far so good..


But it's absorbtion limit seems to be no more than 4% of your hp. Battle Fatigue affecting it?


I tested it with an affliction warlock.. told him to burst me in my AMS.. AMS broke like in the first second of activation and when I scrolled through my combat log it had absorbed 15,817 damage. And my total HP at the time was 490,397.

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It absorbs 75% of the damage taken, makes you immune to harmful effects.. So far so good..


But it's absorbtion limit seems to be no more than 4% of your hp. Battle Fatigue affecting it?


I tested it with an affliction warlock.. told him to burst me in my AMS.. AMS broke like in the first second of activation and when I scrolled through my combat log it had absorbed 15,817 damage. And my total HP at the time was 490,397.


http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7714132416 i think yes but even then it can't absorb like 15k. But i don't think it was bugged before cus when my friend was testing on me i always used AMS on his chaos bolts 5.4.7

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It sucks but I guess you're right, dfabel.. I just watched this (

). Starting at 1:26, he pops AMS and apparently it breaks less than a second before the end of the duration. I wrote down every single absorb resulting in 149,843 total absorb out of his 669k total hp which is around 23% of his total health.. Apparently it gets reduced by Battle Fatigue to 40% of 50% of the total hp which is 20% and gets increased a bit by PvP Power.


Though, I still think that on Pandawow it absorbs even less than that.. My shield literally breaks the very first second versus undergeared affliction warlocks.. Will test some more and will come back for more info...


ToK on the other hand should neither get reduced by Battle Fatigue, nor increased by PvP Power, nor double-dip into resilience. Proof: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Touch_of_Karma Check the hotfix that states:

Hotfix (2013-10-29): "Touch of Karma should now correctly redirect the same amount of damage that the Monk receives in PvP. Previously, the ability was incorrectly being modified by both the target and Monk's own Resilience."
Edited by kaibakor2012
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Ok.. So I have 490,397 HP and 17.27% PvP Power towards Healing. Considering that Battle Fatigue affects AMS properly that should result in either a 98,079 abosrb if PvP Power isn't taken into consideration or 115,018 if it is.


First test: [ATTACH=CONFIG]69209[/ATTACH] 19,065 damage absorbed.

Second test: [ATTACH=CONFIG]69210[/ATTACH] 89,244 damage absorbed.

Thirt test: [ATTACH=CONFIG]69211[/ATTACH] 64,712 damage absorbed.


So basically Battle Fatigue and PvP Power should affect AMS but apparently something totally different is wrong with it. Its absorbtions are totally random.


A 9/10 priority issue for sure. Should be fixed ASAP.

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Decided to test things even further.


http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7714132416 This was posted a while ago but apparently back then PvP Power did not increase AMS's absorption. I have no idea if they have made PvP Power increase it afterwards (though youtube clips suggest they have) but apparently on Pandawow it doesn't.


[ATTACH=CONFIG]69217[/ATTACH] This is the absorbtion given out of combat, without Battle Fatigue. Exactly 50% hp.


[ATTACH=CONFIG]69218[/ATTACH] Now take a look at how much absorbtion does it give me when I'm in PvP Combat.. Notice that I'm fighting a WW Monk and he's even stunned at the moment of me taking this screenshot. This is the full shield.. No more than 3% hp. Completely laughable.


So apparently Battle Fatigue should reduce the shield by 60% but it reduces it by much more.

Edited by kaibakor2012
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Decided to test things even further.


http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7714132416 This was posted a while ago but apparently back then PvP Power did not increase AMS's absorption. I have no idea if they have made PvP Power increase it afterwards (though youtube clips suggest they have) but apparently on Pandawow it doesn't.


[ATTACH=CONFIG]69217[/ATTACH] This is the absorbtion given out of combat, without Battle Fatigue. Exactly 50% hp.


[ATTACH=CONFIG]69218[/ATTACH] Now take a look at how much absorbtion does it give me when I'm in PvP Combat.. Notice that I'm fighting a WW Monk and he's even stunned at the moment of me taking this screenshot. This is the full shield.. No more than 3% hp. Completely laughable.


So apparently Battle Fatigue should reduce the shield by 60% but it reduces it by much more.

So it should be around 20% of your hp but it's 3%? Yeah it definitely need fix. We will see how much we are going to wait.

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With 562,637 total HP AMS should shield me for 562,637 * 0.5 (half of my HP) * 0.4 (Battle Fatigue) = 112,527 HP. And that should become 131,961 if PvP Power is affecting it, which I'm not really sure of.


Here's how much it really absorbs in PvP (even though it works fine in PvE), though: http://s13.postimg.org/ja8x6ll91/Wo_WScrn_Shot_010815_175408.jpg


Makes the DK class literally unplayable. Gamebreaking 10/10. Bump ! :@

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I feel like they will fix it next changelog~.


For DKs they are fixing one at a time...

In Changelong #4 they fixed http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49530/sudden-doom, in the next Changelog they will fix this, in the next blood tap or runes and so on..... Why don't they just fix these 3-4 buggs?


EDIT: BTW kaibakor2012 you have a very nice UI. "sarcasm"

Edited by Shepard
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For DKs they are fixing one at a time...

In Changelong #4 they fixed http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49530/sudden-doom, in the next Changelog they will fix this, in the next blood tap or runes and so on..... Why don't they just fix these 3-4 buggs?


EDIT: BTW kaibakor2012 you have a very nice UI. "sarcasm"


They are doing the same with all classes but i really don;t know how things work cus some things that worked and don't.

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They are doing the same with all classes but i really don;t know how things work cus some things that worked and don't.


Really? Look at druids and paladins in the last changelog #4 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=109452&p=750221#post750221 , they have fixed up to eleven bugs each. And you are telling me they can't fix 3 game braking bugs for DKs?

And in changelog #3 they have fixed crap ton of bugs for all classes and the DK class got only http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=63333 fixed a glyph that no one used or posted on forum about...

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AMS is reduced by battle fatigue 3 times (instead of 1 times). I create a thread about this bug in russian bug tracker, maybe that will be fixed faster ;)


What about PvP power and AMS: Need proof. I try to find any information about this, but nothing.

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