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1.Necro strike

2.Ice chain

3.plague strike

4.Necro strike

5.Necro strike

other spell click click:

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

summon gargoyle


Im 3k dk on server name eldkpujo i use pve gear nice dmg

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1.Necro strike

2.Ice chain

3.plague strike

4.Necro strike

5.Necro strike

other spell click click:

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

summon gargoyle


Im 3k dk on server name eldkpujo i use pve gear nice dmg


He doesn't bind anything, he clicks.

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1.Necro strike

2.Ice chain

3.plague strike

4.Necro strike

5.Necro strike

other spell click click:

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

Necro strike

summon gargoyle


Im 3k dk on server name eldkpujo i use pve gear nice dmg


Imagine if you would meet my windwalker monk , I think I would win in this competition of shiny button spamming. Or avoid your every single burst and lolkill thing and actually reflect your slow downs while the fact that dk's (obviously) Have no Mobility ( not talking about while Worgen) , annoy the shit out of You .

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DKs indeed lack the mobility compared to other classes, but a competent DK is extremely difficult to kite. You have perma slow, chains, grip, stun and pet stun if you're UH....rotating these gives you enough uptime to demolish almost any spec/class, except retardins. Nobody can kill retardins in full PvE :(
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DKs indeed lack the mobility compared to other classes, but a competent DK is extremely difficult to kite. You have perma slow, chains, grip, stun and pet stun if you're UH....rotating these gives you enough uptime to demolish almost any spec/class, except retardins. Nobody can kill retardins in full PvE :(


well Wwmonks can kite away from Uhdks but ofc , not as easy as Paladin but hey monks got transcendence and a burst which can be used as a heal burst

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Can you recommend me any useful keybinds, I should use on unkeybinded slots?


prefer your own playstyle and binding , dont get affected by others much. but if you ask so , Personally I have keybinded every single shit possible. i think its so , you do keybind everything or click with a mouse . playing with both mouse and keyboard for spells is way too not comfy for me , for me mouse is my movement.

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Actually you dont need razer naga. ( Ofc its a really good helper for gaming )

Im using






you can try something like this. And you can make them with some basic meanings so you can remember them easly. For example Im using my CC skills in ctrl+ series. And my offansive cd's are shift+ series. Actually keybindings are really class depended. I mean if you are playing a warrior you dont need to use so much keybindings :D But when you are playing with something like warlock you will probably need many of them


ps: Im sorry if I did some grammer mistakes, english is not my main language.

Edited by refractoryjin
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[Old image, when i wasn't full grievous/prideful lol]





I got 24 binds on my mouse alone. 7 buttons ftw and with shift and control it's easy as hell to remember and use them.

You can bind 3 actions on your scroll button alone, make use of that.


I only got binds on my mous wheel [cause middle button is f*cked up]. Rest of my binds are F keys from 1 to 7, Normal numbers from 1 to ' and upper ones with alt. I only have to use some little abilities by clicking. Oh, i forgot, i use G for Kidney Shot, F for Stealth and caps lock to target an enemy, just that, lol.

Edited by Infinitas Umbra
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