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1: make a new section for suggestions? like right now, there's no place to post suggestions. i just posted this in fun realm section cause i play fun realm.


2: i know some of you will probably hate me for this. but i think it'd be cool if we had some lvl 90 legendary weapons. i think its a bit cool to have a mix. altho, if you were to make this come true, it should be really hard to get. im talking about weeks, probably months to get like on retail xD.


should not be possible to donate for legendaries. we want to have items that everyone should be able to get.


Let me take the Prideful dagger for instance. Let me show you the stats & I should tell you what I think the stats of the new legendary dagger should be (will do the same with rest of the legendaries too)



7,892 - 11,840 damage

speed 1.80

867 agility

1.301 stammina

578 crit

578 mastery

5.029 pvp power




Legendary dagger (golad, twilight of aspect):


9,542 - 14288 damage

speed 1.80

1105 agility

1.702 stammina

892 crit

892 mastery

5,029 pvp power


+1 socket & 160 socket bonus (red)


same 2 set bonus:


2 pieces: Your melee attacks have a chance to grant Shadows of the Destroyer, increasing your Agility by 9, stacking up to 50 times. Each application past 30 grants an increasing chance to trigger Fury of the Destroyer, which immediately grants 5 combo points and causes your finishing moves to generate 5 combo points. Lasts 6 sec.


- http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=1087/fangs-of-the-father



Prideful sword/axe/mace:


21.283 - 31,926 damage

speed 3.60

2.023 strength

3,035 stammina,

1,349 crit

1,349 mastery

10,055 pvp power




legendary (shadowmourne axe)


25.283 - 36,926 damage

speed 3.60

3,500 stammina

1,800 crit

1,900 mastery

10,055 pvp power


3x sockets & 160 socket bonus (red)


same equip effect, just buffed a little xD...



Equip: Your melee attacks have a chance to drain a Soul Fragment granting you 5 Strength. When you have acquired 10 Soul Fragments you will unleash Chaos Bane, dealing 306 to 338 Shadow damage split between all enemies within 15 yards and granting you 45 Strength for 10 sec."






Just some examples of the stats I'd give the legendary weapons. I'm not any good with balancing them out, hell, it won't be super balanced, but at least it'll bring some fun here. I think it'll bring some variation around the realm from player to player.


As I said, make legendaries super hard to get. Let people work hard for them.


Tell me, what do players on fun realm do when you've achieved everything you wanted? I hate bragging, I really do, but I've been r1 on the realm a few times. What about all the other players? Isn't it boring to run around with the same gear? Wouldn't it be fun to have more options?


It's kinda like PvE gear, but that'll get fixed soon (I've heard at least).


I think It'd be great fun for many of us.


Normally I just sit AFK outside of SW/Org. This could be a really good thing for the realm.


Make multiple quests (like 20-30 I'd say) based around wPvP/battlegrounds/arena and much much more.


1 quest:


win 10 arena games in a row above 2.3k rating


2: loot the chest in gurubashi arena & gain X amount of human bones (10% drop chance)


3: win 200 battlegrounds


and more. you know what i mean by this. quests that can bring some real pvp onto the table


i'd more more that happy to help out, but im just trying to make you guys see the point right now. haven't really though of any good quests yet xD.





make us be able to choose to have our weapons on our back or on the side. not sure if possible, but that would've been really cool.



Pic of the legendary dagger: http://imgur.com/63icCwh

Edited by Repitchx
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>make your own server

>apply these changes




dude, they haven't even gotten close to finishing MOP pvp content, let alone the PVE one, and you want them to start adding custom items/quests?

do you believe yourself?

by the time this will be potentially possible everyone will be playing whatever comes after WOD (in privates)

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>make your own server

>apply these changes




dude, they haven't even gotten close to finishing MOP pvp content, let alone the PVE one, and you want them to start adding custom items/quests?

do you believe yourself?

by the time this will be potentially possible everyone will be playing whatever comes after WOD (in privates)


we have higher priorities, after they're done with some game-breaking bugs (pve gear as we speak), i think it'd be great. it's just a suggestion. the idea itself was just to upscale legendary weapons. if the quest line is gonna take 2 weeks or 2 months, i couldn't care less. if they make it at least a little hard to get, it wouldn't hurt. i mean, we're talking about legendaries here.


leave it up to the russian scripting squad. lets hear what they have to say.

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what if they fixed the game-breaking bugs first. would u want legendaries then?


So i am not sure i read all ot the things but if it's really hard to get multi-class player will strugle to get it. And if it's easy to get it will be exploid somehow.

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Idk about yall being so negative . I like the idea and I give +1'000'002

And I do so because all hopes have left me for class/spec-breaking bug fixes as they work on ToT now and on cross realm bgs and item scale down. Im not being a pessimist ,I just take a 1sec look in bugtracker for classes and being realist.



BTW if we think about legendaries , why wouldnt they add the cape and legendary socket the same way? But Id like Item scaledown then , for fair gameplay ( for cape)

Edited by Arevon
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I like the idea of custom gear... I mean, we will have like 1 year until WoD comes out, and I have like full gear on 7 characters, and I sit in front of OG doing nothing. BG's are not interesting anymore, the only thing I like to do is to push my rating further and further. But I lost that hype that I had back in the times. I was like, "yaay, finally home, cap reset, I can get one more piece of gear today", or valor, or something. Now it's only going for rating :D any custom gear, custom stuff would be awesome in my opinion :D
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