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How you like the Current Staff of the server.


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16 members have voted

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    • 5. (very bad)

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So i am not that acive in both but i barely see some staff in the game and i had some tickets just answered with blank space. And about the forum i feel like there are some people from the staff just trolling people.


tickets are not working as far as I know. We got the commands already just to get ready for the implement of the tickets, but so far nothing new :-? so, my question is: how do you even send a ticket? they should be disabled. or maybe I missed something, and they are working

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Well to be honest I voted ''4'' There are really just 2 people who I like from staff and I see their job , maybe Bukarasik too as I see he has made alot topics post n etc.


Sorry guys including Zeox I just see quest fixes in last 3 days by Herald.It may be you're busy with ToT and cross realm bg , but its a tiny excuse for me because I have been fed with lies and promises, rumors from your posts for months..


Chillout , Syrio.

Edited by Arevon
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tickets are not working as far as I know. We got the commands already just to get ready for the implement of the tickets, but so far nothing new :-? so, my question is: how do you even send a ticket? they should be disabled. or maybe I missed something, and they are working


They were working last season !

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How much the players wait the changelog #5? Its 6 weeks since the last update.

Lol... all players must wait every month for news and changelog updates; admins and devs need to be more active.

Edited by Stunam
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It's very hard for the admins or developers to stay in touch with the international community because they don't speak the language and Google Translate doesn't give accurate translations, so things might be missinterpreted.


However, me and the international moderators on your realms are happy to provide information or help in every way we can.

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It's very hard for the admins or developers to stay in touch with the international community because they don't speak the language and Google Translate doesn't give accurate translations, so things might be missinterpreted.

Idk about you but was working with a dev and he was English....

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