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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/25 in all areas

  1. Когда стоит ожидать новый фреш сервер? Хотелось бы знать проект ваш очень любим и хотели бы попасть на открытие фреш сервера
    1 point
  2. According to the provided evidences, you are reporting players for equipping a trinket. I will talk with developers and if they think that they should make a change to that item, they will. Declined.
    1 point
  3. By the way, I also checked other reflectors, and they work the same way as the one mentioned in the topic. So, is it a bug or a meta?
    1 point
  4. I lose 4k intellect, lose 3% PvP resilience, and take significantly more damage, but at least I can use Revival without taking damage from UA.
    1 point
  5. I followed all the possible steps to try to fix the problem. First, I changed the language to Portuguese (Portugal), then to Portuguese (Brazil), hoping that this might make a difference. Since the issue persisted, I completely uninstalled the game and did a fresh installation from scratch, ensuring everything was updated and properly configured. However, even after all this, the problem remains exactly the same, with no improvement whatsoever. When I switch the language to English, the game runs perfectly, with no errors or crashes. This suggests that the issue is related to the Portuguese settings, as everything works fine in English.
    1 point
  6. Well, first of all, I can send you a screenshot myself showing that I’m playing with this trinket. Second, what makes you think this is a bug? The tooltip clearly states that it reflects all Arcane magic spells. Third, the tooltip also mentions that players above level 49 HAVE A CHANCE to resist it. For those who are bald and clueless, let me explain: it can reflect, not always, of course, since it may not trigger, but that doesn’t change the core mechanic. Fourth, I assume you know how Mass Dispel works for Monks—all damage from Unstable Affliction is transferred to the Monk. But when using this trinket, it reflects back to the Warlock. Fifth, I understand your whining. You want to dominate in BGs by spamming Seed of Corruption and dealing absurd damage to the whole group. But every ability has its counter. Sixth, stop whining, please. This trinket is part of the game’s mechanics. If you haven’t played classic Warcraft, don’t go claiming that certain items are bugged. Seventh, if a Warrior casts Mass Spell Reflection and you also use revival, and it one-shots you—is that a bug too? Or if a socket in your helmet with 1% reflection procs—is that a bug as well? P.S.: Stop whining all the time—first it’s too many healers in BGs, now you’re getting one-shot by Dispel + Reflection. Just learn to play and be good.
    1 point
  7. Hello. Try downloading Portuguese language here.
    1 point
  8. 1. Tessuya & Milkshake 2. xfun 3. uses https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115310 +https://www.wowhead.com/item=18639/ultra-flash-shadow-reflector , Using Revival + this low level trinket reflects all the damage that dispelling all the https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=131736 warlocks have active cause, which instant kills any affliction warlock in the batteground that has used more than 4 Unstable afflictions, when using Revival+that trinket each UA dispelled returns between 160 and 220k back to the warlock which results in a insta kill of the warlock, all because of a very low level trinket from a very old expansion that isnt supposed to work on lvl 60+ players and we are lvl 90 players, ban this bug abuser ty, and thats not the only monk abusing this shit, Milkshake is another monk that i caught using it but i didnt screenshot him with the item, i will if i can, these retard bug abusers deserve ban for this shit link to the item https://www.wowhead.com/item=18639/ultra-flash-shadow-reflector
    0 points
  9. Made a change to the item: Players above 60 level won't able to use it. Will be applied after restart.
    0 points
  10. как же бружо ноет что ему не дают семки абузить
    0 points
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