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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/14 in all areas

  1. Да багер он сраный, щас напишу всем гмам в личку с ссылкой на тему и перса, это не реально на пандавове, а на офе вообще забей... тут не регают бг нигде кроме 90!!!! Посмотрят по логам откуда у него хонор, обоссак тупой...
    4 points
  2. Brief information: Not so long ago in open access appeared models from Warlords of Draenor in MPQ format for wotlk and later patches, based on this we adapt them to our server and launcher, and now you can play in 5.4.8 with the models and animation characters, npc from 6.1. In patch have is only the new files, without modifying the current, in this version add 3 new MPQ files with models and patched launchers 32 and 64 bits for them, the size of the new data is 3.14 GB(v3). Pack includes not all changes models and animations of 6.1, with time (maybe every two weeks) will be added to the new model fixes various bugs with animation models, which are now still present on this version, follow this topic for check updates. Proceed directly to their installation: - Download the archive with models(torrent file, v3): link / mirror. - Launch the downloaded file with the help of the torrent client, uTorrent for example and the download models will start. - If you have installed a previous version of the pack models, then go in the folder with the client dir/Data/your localization (eg enGB) and delete the files from them with named wow-update-you locale(eg enGB) and numbered from 17326 to 17332 (eg wow-update-enGB-17327, etc.), if no, this step is skipped. - After that, go to the previously downloaded folder (Wod_Models_v3-PandaWoW), and copy 2 launchers (with replacement) to the root game dir, then go to the folder MPQ, and copy 3 files to folder client_dir/Data/your localization (eg enGB). - Then run the needed launcher with the note -Models, eg PandaWoW-32-Models. - Done, you can watch model changes in the game, if you do not like that, or you're having with them a variety of problems, just run the normal launcher and this model changes will not be displayed. - If you have error after start wow with this patch, need download full client from here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46675&langid=1 and apply patch on them. Current bugs and features: - Models pack contains not all the changes from 6.x, some models have not changed or contain various bugs. - This pack models will eventually be updated, and fixed bugs. - If you do not like the new models, or you experience discomfort (FPS drop, error, etc), then just run the old launcher (without -Models) and the new models will not be seen. - If you do not see the changes in the models, so do not you run needed launcher, or new mpq files are not in the /client_dir/Data/your localization(eg ruRU or enGB).
    3 points
  3. http://4put.ru/pictures/max/1016/3122935.jpg МАССОВАЯ PVP ГИЛЬДИЯ ОРДЫ Требования : 525Ilvl+, RC!; Набор(писать в игре: Rekalet; Ityr; Сэрфрай) или на форуме ниже!; От нас: БГ; Арена; Стенки; РБГ; Эвенты; Общение; Позитив и многое другое!;
    2 points
  4. Он сказал это, в плане Оскорбления. А вам не противно за это существо вступаться?
    2 points
  5. BUMP for getting some new guys in the team :D
    2 points
  6. 1.Chaos bolt http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=116858 2.Chaos bolt doesn´t do the damage would do. A duel with a character with build chaos bolt hit 60k and another duel with a character without build hits the same damage. 3.With 30% of critical chance and 60% of maestry should hit minimum 180k. 4.10/18/2014. 5.PandaWowx100. 6.10/10. Thanks for reading me.
    1 point
  7. Many people get banned and muted mostly because they haven't read the rules of the server. Most people don't even know there's an international sub-forum where they can actually read them. My suggestion actually belongs to Zhalifa and Dotgirl to whom I say thank you for caring! :) Just as a copyright measure, hehe! -Make the rules clearly visible on the website. Either stick another button in there clearly stating "Rules of the server" or make them visible on the front page. My guess is this will have a positive effect on the social aspect of the server and it will make players aware that a set of rules exists. -Show a list of server staff on the website, so players are fully aware who they can call for help if they need it. -Create a system to identify chat moderators on the chat. Either different color name or a prefix in their name. I suggest this because many times a chat moderator sees something bad(in terms of chat violations) is about to happen on the public chat and he will issue a warning. Many times, this warning is either fully ignored or given a "smart" comeback like "fk off" or "who do you think you are? LOL" etc resulting in even harsher punishment, including harshest one:-insults towards server or administration. -Create a wishlist thread on the forum where players can input their most desires in terms of WoW, wether it's mounts added to vendors or items to the webstore, this would be a great place to get your wishes known by developers and administrators alike. -Add a private chat channel for staff members, where Moderators can see and talk to GMs and administrators in cases of emergency or just regular problems, such as exploits. Many times, as a chat moderator, I have witnessed exploits being used and I couldn't contact anyone. I had to go through the regular process of taking pictures+reporting them on the forum. This takes time. Time that could be better used working on other problems. If a mod sees a major infraction being done, a simple message to a GM would solve the issue in less then 2 minutes. I have this relationship with Talvior where I can just /whisper her in case I see someone flying in a BG for example. 30 seconds later, they get banned. Make this system for all Moderators and GMs in a simple, private, chat channel. Cheers! /Casualties
    1 point
  8. TC banned 3 days http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=95552
    1 point
  9. http://gooddreams.ru/wp-content/uploads/k-chemu-mozhet-prisnitsya-koshka-photo-11.jpg проказник
    1 point
  10. И вот когда я был в бане,Стивен и его подружка "лёгкого" поведения обсирают в уголке,как только не попаде.Браво :appl:.Это находка! И это не оскорбление,это я констатировал факт.Но мало того что они в уголке обсирали,"Принцессазла" переправила сообщение,которое временем ранее предназначалось стивену http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=100718&p=707362&viewfull=1#post707362 А после чего,сам Джастер сказал,что Кукла говорила правду http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=100722 Еще раз БРАВО :appl:!Если бы мог я бы встал и аплодировать начал вам! Настолько тошно переписываться с такими людьми,которые сделаю плевок в спину,пока сам отсутствуешь.Молодцы! Продолжайте в том же духе!
    1 point
  11. 1х100 2.Kristir 3.Твинк 85 уровня имеет талант на 90 ( в его случае http://db.pandawow.me?spell=110745) [ATTACH=CONFIG]61968[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]61969[/ATTACH] http://postimg.org/image/av1bbwmwv/ ссылка на скин
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Скоро будет античит.
    1 point
  14. И что тут запрещеного?)))
    1 point
  15. 1. Цирюльник 2. х10 3. Бомбит из-за того, что встал на его место 3. http://f-picture.net/lfp/i003.radikal.ru/1411/2a/24f19319abcb.jpg/htm
    1 point
  16. во во прикормили прокачали ))
    1 point
  17. Крысы повсюду... Порой ею может стать один из нас...
    1 point
  18. Исправлено, будет применено после обновления. Скаллируется верно, не важно http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=112071 применилось когда http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=145151 или http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=102560 уже были на друиде, или же наоборот - бонус будет добавлен. + верно отображается % урона в тултипе ауры в бафах. После обновления проверьте.
    1 point
  19. ты что-то путаешь краб. Вася тут поболее тебя будет. И тортуга изначально была за орду. Походу ты берега попутал.
    1 point
  20. Rejected. Should be fixed today - tomorrow.
    1 point
  21. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=59474
    1 point
  22. Пишите жалобы на игроков в соответствующий раздел по правилам (Нарушители Вашего реалма). При них тоже напишите.
    1 point
  23. такое ощущение что мастери сломал я больше 50к не бью и доты 1-4к
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. баланс и пандашош? ты точтно на этом сервере играеш?
    1 point
  26. Honestly, I didn't think of requirements when I wrote this, but from what i can deduce it'll probably be:- - Being an active player - No serious bans against your characters - Maturity - Lastly, a reason to be a moderator Thanks Uraganuu, hope my message finally gets through to Кукла :)
    1 point
  27. Заходите на х100, а то у нас уже фармить нечего =D
    1 point
  28. Agree with @Shubhunterx, today after Burstmaster was reported on forum, he logged instantly ingame and talked in Russian to Melancholiax, because i dont have an iQ of a bread i took snapshots (if anyone wants to see). It has been since I signed up on PandaWoW Russians here had always a objective not to get perma banned. Thankful we were able to get an English speaking GM that actualy does something. I'm talking about Casualties, you maybe realized he bans people daily. But the good thing is, he bans RUSSIANS, ENGLISH SPEAKING people and etc. This guy is a beast. Even i got banned but i didnt go and rage to my russian friend to get me unbanned because this is a Russian server and i can get unbanned instantly. I dont know whats the plan of the dev. to the future of PandaWoW, but i repeat here again, since MoP and M***** came online alot of GOOD people left. Even people that were Rank one on this server. Because they have the same problem as we do since ages. English speaking people always get instant banned. The thing is people cant decide about people that are for Fun and Gameplay here and the others that are just like "Oh this is a private server i can act like a moron hehe i dont care etc. etc." Going to Jail (2000+ English speaking people) and all the other Good players i meet daily are who that keep the Server up. For a few time ago I was in SwordArtOnline to help them with Gearing, geming right, enchants etc., I did that because i was sick of entering in BGs and seeing people with no gems, enchants etc. and everyone on the english Chat where raging telling to them stupid faggots, idiots, go die etc. even BLACKMAIL. But no one was ready to help them out. Ive also carried a Warrior to 2000 because he was a good player and friendly. On his way to 2000 we had to meet into issues like: Fucking spanish idiots getting carried, spanish people suck etc. We ignored that because we both weren't 12 years old. I know it's a Russian server, but I was also in Nihilium without speaking Russian and made friends there. It's nothing about beeing good or bad, if people aren't ready to help each other, people will just join the server and leave again. All the server needs is people that are ready to help up each other. It's a SERVER, we're all here together. If you dont like it leave. If you like it stay. Dont let people make you leave by getting you offended. We all dont like each other in a way (or atleast some people), but we will always face each other. Russian dev. need to Focus more on the Community maybe. Maybe make an own Thread so we all can post in different language. Im pretty sure, if we had such a thread were people can post Jokes, Fun pictures etc. in their Language the Community would become better. Then there we would maybe start to learn each other as Person, and not just a walking Character in a WoW World. English is not my main language so im pretty sure there will be alot of mistakes. Keep them for yourself. :)
    1 point
  29. У хуманок глаза вообще странные, может это именно моя модель такая, но впечатление что ей что-то большое куда-то вставили :(
    1 point
  30. я об этом http://puu.sh/cD5Hu/a38eef72eb.jpg
    1 point
  31. Не у всех хватает ума скачать отдельно файлик, некоторые только недавно узнали что такое торрент. Ну это исходя из кол-ва народу у которых не получается
    1 point
  32. Качаю 21гиг. Через час скачается. Отпишусь, если все сработает.
    1 point
  33. 1) Храм Котмогу http://ru.wowhead.com/zone=6051 2) При вступление в очередь на случайное поле боя (70-74) часто прокает бг Храм Котмогу, при появление таблички "Вы можете войти на поле боя", при нажатие "Вступить в бой", ничего не происходит. Приходится ждать кучу времени (может длится на протяжении свыше 3 часов, потому что оно может попадаться постоянно), чтобы все перезашли и не регали бг. Доказательства: http://s018.radikal.ru/i515/1406/4a/7f2914647318.jpg После нажатия на "Вступить в бой"... http://s57.radikal.ru/i158/1406/d3/da14ec880a1e.jpg Ничего не происходит. 3)Список бг которые должны прокать: - http://ru.wowhead.com/zone=3277 10-90 - http://ru.wowhead.com/zone=3358 10-90 - http://ru.wowhead.com/zone=3820 35-90 - http://ru.wowhead.com/zone=2597 45-90 - http://ru.wowhead.com/zone=4384 65-90 Источник: http://ru.wowhead.com/zones=6 4) 2.06.14 5) Pandawow x100 6) Для нас, играющих на 70-74, это проблема №1, поэтому 10/10. 2.06.14 Ждали бг часов 5, с самого утра. Так и не смогли поиграть.
    1 point
  34. Неакрис ник ? ;D
    1 point
  35. You are warrior and your damage is very low xD Good one man, really good one Kappa PS l2p issue.
    1 point
  36. Не заходит -_- Пишет ведите данные учетной записи близард
    1 point
  37. тогда все уйдут с серва
    1 point
  38. Твинка одеваю там почти дошли до иллидана
    1 point
  39. Только нашел чела который сводил меня в чх
    1 point
    1 point
  41. Вы смотрели мультик Ваня дурачок?
    1 point
  42. У них это Хентай называется))
    1 point
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