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Everything posted by warlockenjoyer
11 healers in one same battleground
warlockenjoyer replied to warlockenjoyer's topic in General Discussion
bgs pop instant almost always, what are u talking about? -
11 healers in one same battleground
warlockenjoyer replied to warlockenjoyer's topic in General Discussion
then termination is the only way, remove all healer specs from the game is the only solution :diablo: -
https://imgur.com/a/UOkidHP just pointing that out, maybe someday both teams are all healers and nobody is in dps spec
i see inside some addons there is .lua extensions, this for example: https://imgur.com/a/FXey3z4 - - - Updated - - - is there where i could paste: local AuthorTable = { "name1","name2","name3","name99", } local AuthorFilter = function(self, event, msg, author) for i = 1, #AuthorTable do if strmatch(author, AuthorTable) then return true end end end ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_PARTY", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_RAID", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_SAY", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_YELL", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_EMOTE", AuthorFilter) ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_TEXT_EMOTE", AuthorFilter)" and just write the names of people i dont want to see their texts? - - - Updated - - - anyway, couldn't devs make the ignore function work inside cross realm?
and what is .lua? idk about computers things - - - Updated - - - i dont understand lol, do i have to paste that inside one addon folder for it to work with the names of players i want to not see or what is it? i more or less understood what that script do
Gliph interaction with pvp armor set bonus
warlockenjoyer replied to warlockenjoyer's topic in Declined topics
if only there was a way to know how things should really work, why was this change made? -
1. https://db.pandawow.me/?item=43672 interaction with https://db.pandawow.me/?item=102651 last bonus (allowing for https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49576 to be used again during 3s after it's first use) 2. when you have https://db.pandawow.me/?item=43672 and use https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49576 on a Divine shield or Ice block or any other type of immunities the gliph works, but if you use the https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=49576 provided by the https://db.pandawow.me/?item=102651 last bonus set, then it doesnt work and https://db.pandawow.me/?item=43672 enters in full cooldown instead of being reset and ready to use again 4. If the 2nd grip provided by the pvp bonus set is used against any form of immunity it should reset the cooldown of Death grip just like it does with the initial Death Grip 5. run realm/cross realm 6. 6/10
:monkaS: i dont understand the "paste somewhere in one of your addons that you are using"
Can you admins make it possible to add players to ignore list while inside battleground (cross realm)? At the moment that is not possible, maybe having different ignore lists one for the main realm and another for the cross realm? the option just doesnt work inside cross realm, there is ways around it and still being able to ignore indirectly moving chat boxes away but would be better with the direct option, thanks
10% reduced stun time gem+orc racial+frost presence bug
warlockenjoyer replied to warlockenjoyer's topic in Fixed and tested
do you know how to do maths? calculate 15%+10%+20%, there is only two ways to calculate this, all together or one after the other -
1. https://imgur.com/a/Ob8qSky (screenshots of the 3 things mentioned in the tittle) 2. they dont stack properly (im not sure which one of the three is the problem or if they are all the problem) 3. they should stack properly, explanation of what is happening vs what should happen in this example with a 3second stun: https://imgur.com/a/QLVh3gI 4. fun realm, probably cross realm too 5. 5/10 i guess video testing it: https://gofile.io/d/bZ3p57 screenshots of when the stun starts in each scenario to see it's duration: https://imgur.com/a/fPB9l6w
https://www.wowhead.com/es/spell=134732/fatiga-de-batalla - 60% healing during pvp combat, you have this passive in the spellbook, if u open it you will see it, in the same section where the racials are
i have no idea, if it only allowed X players in healer spec to que for bg and changing spec inside bg was turned off, then it would be controlable, i guess? i am not a dev i dont know what is the solution
1. Battleground Roles dont work, there can be 5 or more healers per team inside bg at the moment 2. There should not be that many healers inside a bg, maximum 2 per team 3. cross realm this should be controled in some way, there should be a limit of 2 heaelrs per team MAX, not 5 or 6 healers both teams or one team with 5 and the other one with 1 or 0 healers
Limit the number of healers that can play a battleground somehow, disable the possibility of changing spec during the 2min countdown before the match starts, it's a waste of time when both teams have 3-5 healers and nobody dies for the whole time a bg lasts Roles dont work as they are right now, many times there is unbalanced teams (one team with 2 or more heals and the other one with none) or too many healers on both teams https://imgur.com/a/urNNQtc - example of one of the many times both teams have too many healers and nobody dies (and like this dozens of more times), only 4 deaths happened in that bg during the 15min it lasted and both teams were stuck in the starting fight for the whole match Solutions: only 1 (maybe 2) heal role can get que per faction in a battleground block the possibility of changing spec once joining a battleground, dont let changing spec be possible during the preparation countdown Those two things coould probably fix this issue, but i am not sure
warlockenjoyer replied to warlockenjoyer's topic in General Discussion
autistic individuals interacting with each other be like -
i told you that all you write is dumb shit, someone explained that vortex works like hunter trap, and literally i showed a video where hunter trap is removed by warlock teleport, but vortex isnt, so vortex is bugged..
wouldn't removing the debuff remove its effects too, even if its for 1 second, just like shown in the hunter trap video??
Quesiton for the admins: Have you guys considered buying/using bots to advertise pandawow in youtube wow videos that are talking about 3.3.5 or about retail? what about advertising in forums/reddit? "Spamming" them with texts recommending pandaria 5.4.8 as best expansion in wow and recommending pandawow server to try something to get some exposure and potentially get more playerbase or merging pandawow with one of those big and known 3.3.5 servers with thousands and thousands of players as an "extra realm for 5.4.8 expansion" taking full charge of it, instead of being its own panda server, then more people would start playing pandaria and if they dont lack braincells they will like it more than the boring 3.3.5, sooner or later wrath expansion servers will die and players will go to other expansions probably unless those servers they play in already have other expansions in them so is easier to shift from 3.3.5 to other expansions or to offer money to youtubers/streamers to talk about pandawow/stream/play in pandawow (if the $$ earlings allow for it) anything to get more exposure and more players interested in pandawow, im not marketing expert all this ideas come out of my ass but they make sense to me as possible things to do to catch attention pwow needs some advertising actions, ignoring advertising is a big error in my opinion and will just lead to the death of the server sooner or later if what we have nowdays isn't considered half dead already this server is GOOD, it just needs more players, i'm pretty sure it can be done with a good planification of advertisement/exposure Thoughts? any input or idea is welcome, i hope admins read all this Also, if any pwow player is here and happen to read this and for some reason you have friends instead of being an loner with no friends at all, tell your friends about pandawow and ask them to tell their friends about pandawow, and if they dont even play WoW tell them to try it or something --------- Russian version for the lazy ones: Вопрос к админам: Вы, ребята, думали о покупке/использовании ботов для рекламы pandawow в видеороликах YouTube, в которых говорится о 3.3.5 или о розничной торговле? как насчет рекламы на форумах/реддите? "Спамить" их текстами с рекомендацией pandaria 5.4.8 как лучшего расширения в wow и с рекомендацией попробовать сервер pandawow что-то, чтобы получить некоторую известность и, возможно, получить больше игроков или слияние pandawow с одним из этих больших и известных серверов 3.3.5 с тысячами и тысячами игроков в качестве «дополнительного мира для расширения 5.4.8», взявшего на себя полную ответственность за него, вместо того, чтобы быть собственным сервером панды, тогда больше людей начнет играя в пандарию, и если у них не будет недостатка в мозговых клетках, им это понравится больше, чем скучная 3.3.5, рано или поздно серверы расширения гнева умрут, и игроки перейдут на другие расширения, вероятно, если только на тех серверах, на которых они играют, уже нет других расширений, так что легче перейти с 3.3.5 на другие расширения или предлагать деньги ютуберам/стримерам за разговоры о pandawow/стримы/игры в pandawow (если это позволяют $$ Earlings) что-нибудь, чтобы получить больше информации и больше игроков, заинтересованных в pandawow, я не эксперт по маркетингу, все эти идеи исходят из моей задницы, но они имеют смысл для меня как возможные действия, чтобы привлечь внимание pwow нужны какие-то рекламные действия, игнорирование рекламы, на мой взгляд, большая ошибка и просто приведет к смерти сервера рано или поздно, если то, что мы имеем сейчас, не считается уже полумертвым. этот сервер ХОРОШИЙ, ему просто нужно больше игроков, я уверен, что это можно сделать с хорошей планировкой рекламы/экспозиции Мысли? любой вклад или идея приветствуются, я надеюсь, что администраторы прочитают все это Кроме того, если какой-либо нормальный игрок находится здесь и случайно читает это, и по какой-то причине у вас есть друзья, а не одиночка без друзей, расскажите своим друзьям о pandawow и попросите их рассказать своим друзьям о pandawow, и если они не даже играй в WoW скажи им попробовать или что-то в этом роде
bruh https://imgur.com/a/Hg6LLwM teleport removes slows, vortex is a slow, it should remove it when you teleport, watch the damn video you become immune to slows be it areas or direct slows for a briev period of time after teleporting, it shouldn't work different vs trap hunter than vs vortex or any other slow in the game, warlock teleport should remove slows, vortex included since is a slow lol how is it not comparable if someone said vortex is a AREA of slow, just like hunters trap is, he literally used the hunter trap as an example of how he thinks vortex works, if they work the same way by being an area of effect then that proves vortex should be removed, and if vortex isn't a slow area it should be removed too anyway when teleporting with warlock circle, both cases it should remove vortex and not pull you back since you teleported while the slow was removed
https://imgur.com/a/Hg6LLwM - why doesnt the teleport remove druid vortex yet it removes hunter slow trap slow for like 1 second? it should also remove vortex and free you from it if you teleport outside of its area, the vortex is a slow yet portal isnt removing it, i think someone reported it before
then the bug is in cross realm maybe, but in battlegroudns it also works for me, idk if there is arena only bugs, are you using the spell directly or a focus macro?
it works for me, i can use Command demon while im under cc
yea the tooltip from soulburn clearly says snares and roots
If a dk uses a 2 handed weapon his hit gets easily capped by the pvp items themselves, but when a dk chooses to use 1 handed swords (1 weapon on each hand), his hit % suddenly is not capped anymore and gains more than 17% chance of missing mele hits on each hand why does the miss chance raise from 0% to 15% on each hand? wtf is this mechanic? does this happen only with DK? do monks or rogues also have 15%+ chance of missing their mele attacks?