dude, at the start of the first video the fear made me turn and then you stunned me (you dont know how fear works?), and then i kept avoiding to give you my back to avoid as much damage as possible, what is this??
ever heard of lag? ever heard of walking backwards to parry mele attacks? ever heard of never giving your back to mele classes specially a rogue?
ever heard of changing camera angles to make sure you as a DK are keeping everyone with dots and slowed and to know wtf is going on around you while you are fighting and to parry as much as you can to reduce damage taken from meles like rogues? (2nd video)
have you ever played dk? what is this post even about?? i watched both vids and read what you wrote and they both look like i got lag issues (which i do tbh and it fucking sucks what do u want me to do about it? pay me good internet if you are so worried about it), the 2nd one is a mess of a fight with enemies everywhere hard to tell wtf is going on there
first you harrass me in game because i made you friends feel bullied against me in bg and now u do shit posts like this? amazing my guy, just amazing
thanks for uploading the part where i killed you btw, i appreciate it, i guess?
leave me alone, the other day a rogue whispered me saying that you offered him money to focus me on bgs and that he declined it because it was weird, you are a fcking weird dude, what is wrong with you?