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Everything posted by Neff

  1. Забанен.
  2. Может во вкладке общего чата у вас отлючено отображение личных сообщений. Судя по скриншоту, в лс вам кто-то писал и вы возможно тоже. Не знаю, все же нет уверенности в фотошопе. Отклонено.
  3. Already banned.
  4. Muted for 120 minutes. It's a insult towards player.
  5. Забанен.
  6. Забанен.
  7. Не знаю, спорно как-то. Послежу в игре за ним.
  8. Забанен.
  9. Прослежу за ними.
  10. Declined. The rules for reporting.
  11. In my opinion, the problem is that gargoyle on our server follow the target all the time, while should only when a target in LoS. It can be for up to 70k~ crit. If a target uses def CDs or all trinkets procs fall off, yes it will be a significantly less. (72k crit on mage)
  12. In the beggining it stands still, but when a druid run out of gargoyle range, it follow him and cast while moving.
  13. Yes :D I'm not playing on DK. This fix was made a 2-3 weeks ago (or more, i don't remember), but not applied yet. Also, the damage formula for gargoyle was higher than should, it will be fixed too. But yea, with two trinkets proc+fallen crusader it can be crit for up to 60-70k And some other fixes, like a cast interrupt and cast speed (i'm not sure what exactly fixed with cast speed, maybe it will be a slower/faster or something like this)
  14. I found some videos from retail and gargoyle there casting while moving too. After update should do more damage, because of pvp power fix for gargoyle.
  15. Чудовищного удара и не должно быть. У пета только 1 стан, Отгрызть. А когда пет превращен, то при нажатии на Отгрызть применяется улучшенный стан (на 4 сек), вместо обычного.
  16. Banned.
  17. Забанен.
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