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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Heisenberg


    doesnt happened to me even in bg\arena
  2. fixed
  3. Heisenberg

    nasty shiat

    Fixed for every extra action bar spell.
  4. Heisenberg

    nasty shiat

    Does anyone know how they keept this ability for another boss? Its should be removed after Fengs death\evade
  5. Heisenberg

    insane bug

  6. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=210628&p=1262454&viewfull=1#post1262454
  7. fixed
  8. should be fixed
  9. Can't reproduce it with frost nova\ent roots and summon demon, RoF and others. Tested in Gurubash and Duel
  10. its client delay, server destroy object immediately
  11. fixed
  12. Fixed
  13. Fixed
  14. should be fixed
  15. Пару примеров со ссылками надо
  16. Should be fixed
  17. Исправлено QA: Bug - u can stack effect of http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=124974 and http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108288 Effect of http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108288) persist even after u remove talent
  18. Должно быть исправлено Should Be Fixed QA - gateway charge counter should be on warlock rather that on gateway
  19. For QA testers: Bug - demonic gateway doesn't despawn after warlocks death
  20. Исправлено
  21. Заряды между воротами должны синхронизироваться? Сейчас, как я вижу, они не синхронизируются. Использовал зеленые ворота - там 4 заряды, на фиолетовых по прежнему 5.
  22. Heisenberg

    Die Psyfiend

    kicking school is also fixed
  23. should be fixed
  24. Heisenberg

    Die Psyfiend

    target selection should be fixed
  25. should be fixed
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