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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. Heisenberg


    ye ty, fixed
  2. ty, fixed
  3. Heisenberg

    Die Psyfiend

    Should be fixed, check after update
  4. да, вот пруф https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/13595099656
  5. problem 1 - fixed problem 3 - can't reproduce, tested with pillars problem 2 - some of u reported this as a bug sometimes ago and it was successfully fixed
  6. fixed, but shroom frames may not work for Balance druid, i'm working on it
  7. Не вижу нигде в описании информации о 40м радиуса, пруфы можно?
  8. поправлено
  9. Исправлено\Fixed
  10. fixed\исправлено
  11. fixed
  12. Fixed
  13. Fixed
  14. just tested [ATTACH=CONFIG]124610[/ATTACH]
  15. Check after update, should be fixed
  16. this part is fixed there is some problem with reproducing first part
  17. Fixed
  18. Heisenberg


  19. np, i fixed this passive, but actually this is another report, original report was about glyph) u can test it on ptr, i guess i should adjust proc chance from attacking "when u attack them back, sparring is amplified by an additional 5%, stacks up to 3 times"
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