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  1. Actually it works in bgs just doesnt work in arenas for some reason should be an easy fix
  2. Please tell me what information i need to provide you cuz i only asked you to send the reset to my email which is linked to the account - - - Updated - - - hello mods????? maybe help?
  3. So ive been trying for awhile to change my password on my account but i never get a email can you manually send me a link to reset to my email account : noob9966
  4. Sorry once again for putting it in this section didnt know where.Im having troubles connection when i start the launcher to dll nothing happens have you tried if you have could you help me ;)
  5. Hello, this is mainly for juster and staff It is obvious to most people that most russians dont have very good english so what i wonder is why do you let them moderate the /english channel I got muted for 2 hours for "obscene speech" https://gyazo.com/81b013f4e4bb6225fa83e3a917a252dc https://gyazo.com/ada6ff1c9aead28b436e1fe85168cbdd This is not "obscene speech ( LMFAO ) I would love for this chat mod to either lose his mod or get moved to a russian channel cuz his understanding of english is very bad 1 question tho is this server ment for KIDS? Cuz saying "fuck" or "fucking" is the type of shit u tell to 3 y/os to not do but every fucking does it lmao
  6. please best pvp server by far frostoss farmed every mage in malevolent gear LOLOOl Oh and yea russians arent allowed to post here LOL
  7. http://i.imgur.com/FpfwNle.jpg really sick pvppzz boyzz now i see why frostoss stopped playing here LELELELEL
  8. and winter day
  9. yea this guy shouldnt be a gm :) or a chat moderator
  10. m ol ten isnt gonna be that bugged.Even the few bugs will get fixed fast. :) + i wont have to worry about being banned for "RACISM" LOL "I understand russian you retards" BOOM BAN FOR RACISm such sick wow And arena tournament will have better pvp in the first day of the release rofl.
  11. YOu just need to find a 5.4.8 one i had one that was working for 5.4.2 :) It was called smth like Just a morper + Juster said theyre adding a morph npc you'll be able to look like a different race maybe if he has a time he could make tmorph :) or just update the one from retail so it works on pandawow xd
  12. So if i buy an unban and the guy reports me for the same thing or anything else that was said be4 that ban that had some connection to the ban like something else that i said that included "RUSSIAN".Can i get banned again.If you didn't understand If i get reported again can i get banned again for the same reason if yes I won't buy an unban.
  13. might have to edit this cuz you linked a rogue or a really bad scam attempt rofl
  14. If you look at the change log that has been fixed.
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