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Everything posted by podara33

  1. thanks love . just make sure that it works for every kind of cc.
  2. Bruh I just came back from a 2 month break . I saw the bug , there was no thread about it , I reported it . Let the QA or the devs respond to this thread if this was taken into consideration when they rescripted the spell . Simple as that.
  3. This bug is different and there hasn't been a report about it at least in the english forum section. Maybe it has been mentioned somewhere in the comments on another report , but yeah this is different and had to be reported. Also this might be a controversial report cause I don't know if the proof is enough. Check it again
  4. spell : vanish / stealth description of the problem : when you get CCed while in Vanish and Vanish aura fades while the CC on you is not over yet , you leave stealth instantly. how it should work : when Vanish aura fades and you are still CCed you shouldn't leave stealth assuming nothing else is hitting you (AoE, dots etc) . If something hits you then subterfuge should proc. realm : fun 2/9/17 priority : 8/10 . Anything that has to do with Vanish is 8+/10. PROOF / EXPLANATION 1) 0:45 --> Shockwave in Vanish As you can see at 0:48 the moment Vanish fades , he is still under the effect of Shockwave BUT IN STEALTH . Subterfuge procs 1 second later(0:49) when the bleed did dmg to him. 2) 5:02 --> Root/Nova in Vanish At 5:04 Vanish fades while he is still Rooted , but he stays in stealth from Vanish WHILE STILL CCed. SUMMING UP ALL THE RELATED REPORTS REGARDING VANISH / SUBTERFUGE / STEALTH You can get CCed while in Vanish (shouldn't act like Shadowmeld) fixed When you get CCed while in Vanish, Subterfuge should NOT proc from the CC. fixed When Vanish fades and you are STILL CCed, you should be put into stealth AND STAY in stealth while CCed assuming there in nothing else hitting you (AoE, dots, bleeds) not fixed PS : I know the proof is not from 5.4.8 but no changes where made till the end of mop regarding this. Also I couldn't find proof for every kind of CC , but if it goes like that for AoE stuns (that do dmg) and AoE roots , then it should be like that for every kind of CC . Prove me wrong if I am mistaken but I think the proof is enough . - - - Updated - - - If anyone could add some helpful input, please do since this is a kinda complicated mechanic and its hard to find more proof from retail.
  5. I used "voice" as an example to mention that people don't tryhard enough when they play 3s or they are just bad to outplay a 3s comp , IN MISTS OF PANDARIA . - - - Updated - - - Well then you know whats the problem ----> playerbase . But before we make a fail attempt to invite new players , lets make sure the server works properly so they don't leave insta, you know... And yeah pandawow has a bad reputation regarding bugs, pqr abusers etc.
  6. You don't see these comps cause its a private server where 95% of the playerbase plays casually. I bet 90% of the 3s teams in pwow don't even use voice . How are you gonna play comps that require a setup like godcomp, thug etc without voice ?? XDD No matter how broken WMX is , if there are not enough tryhards that use voice (aka people that play the bracket as its supposed to be played ) then yeah WMX will dominate. Pwow had the golden chance 2-3 months ago with the "retail wave" to dramatically increase its competition , but I guess they fucked that up cause they were too slow . HOW TO FIX THE SERVER : a) Fix every high priority bug in the server , b) get the devs to communicate even more with the community (mainly through discord) c) invite all the retail fags for one last time or people from other servers when everything is ready so they might stay this time. There is not a secret formula or trick to success . Just promote a well made product out to the market .
  7. We have made soooooooooo many reports about vanish and you still don't get how the ability works . Subterfuge procs in vanish ONLY when the rogue uses stealth abilities (like garrote , cheap shot) or does DIRECT dmg . AOE damage like blizzard will still do damage to the rogue in vanish but IT WONT proc subterfuge . AOE cc like pet nova will still hit the rogue is vanish but IT WONT proc subterfuge AOE procs stubterfuge ONLY when vanish aura fades by itself and puts the rogue into STEALTH an example : shockwave in vanish 0:47 PLEASE do proper research or just read our reports and fix this ability once and for all . Thanks
  8. And the same players kept this server alive and RELEVANT for a long time and gave Zeox a real chance to turn pwow into a great pvp server. But just like Zeox you and your retard squad are too fcking retarded to understand that and despite their efforts you got them banned for "insulting" . not even.. lmfao You can dickride the staff all you want , that doesn't change the fact that you are bad at this game and I honestly don't know what you can offer here more than the previous QA team did . If only Zeox had a brain...
  9. TELL EM PS : +1
  10. This bug is a reason to quit the server . cunts
  11. #hackerman
  12. podara33

    arena/bg save

    used to work when cross didn't exist cross fucked up a lot of things .
  13. Fix and increase the duration to 10 seconds . It used to be 10 seconds but here its bugged . No need for proof . You gotta trust .
  14. nice one . Pleasseeeeeee fix this
  15. 5:02 . In pwow when you get novad in vanish and vanish aura fades you lose your stealth insta . its not like subterfuge procs . The only thing that I'm not sure is what happens with every other cc like howl for example . Like if you get howled in vanish , should you be feared in stealth after vanish aura fades ? Sounds dumb but its almost the same mechanic as an aoe root like nova . Maybe not . Add your thoughts on that if you know something . But the nova/root thing is shown on the video clearly and every mage can abuse it really easily . Rogue vanishes --> insta nova on him and he is out after a while . pffff @thread important PS : Maybe a new report is needed since subterfuge doesn't proc anymore in vanish . Only problem now is that you lose your stealth insta if you get cced in vanish after vanish aura fades which should not be the case with roots/novas as the video shows. Need more proof for every other cc .
  16. hahahahaha
  17. Nova in Vanish is still bugged AND ITS HUGE
  18. podara33


  19. buggeedddd
  20. still bugged and annoying af
  21. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/9344515079 You don't need proof from a video . You can ask every single high rated rogue that played mop and he will tell you that smoke bomb didnt affect stealth/vanish at all after cataclysm. Actually you don't have to ask them , cause I already did and I can give you screenshots if you want . Just trust me
  22. fix asd
  23. hi .
  24. Copy pasta at its finest
  25. tru .
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