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Everything posted by StarCaller

  1. Yes but where can I report a player? Where can I see if he is breaking the rules, where can I read the server and forum rules? pls tell me :)
  2. I see u have no forums friends so I can be ur friend :P
  3. Well would be fun to know if it works I wanna start PvE with my warrior :)
  4. Transfer costs 200 bonuses. And yes.
  5. StarCaller

    English Realm

    Well the only thing I want is that it's x100, I guess if you guys make a English realm it will attract more people but you still need more English speaking GMs :) and may be some translators other the the one Google provide to the forums and the site :) -StarCaller :druid:
  6. I have never said I used such a thing on this server and I aint helping any1 how to I just say it's a cheat and i guess it's against the server rules that's all. -StarCaller :druid:
  7. Is this a joke? Make a English realm where there will only be 300 peeps? naah not worth it.
  8. Please post this thing on Bug tracker not here :) you will get it fixed faster if u have it there. -StarCaller :druid:
  9. Hello dear player I was playing on another server that was in 5.0.5 and there I did the same sadly for you the same program doesn't work here. I will not share anything else cause I don't wanna get banned for shearing a cheat engine with you guys, as said we don't know this is allowed or not. Please understand, and use your common sense I guess it's not allowed. -StarCaller :druid:
  10. Is there alot of them out there? I'm in <Gladiator Status> witch one are you in (on the x100 realm)
  11. StarCaller

    LFR working or?

    Hello, I was wondering if LFR was working :) -StarCaller :druid:
  12. Hello there is a problem. One of my friends got Bugged so when he joins a BG and dies the stamina buff will be removed but the the amount of HP he has while buffed will stay, his stamina will only reset when his game crashes, and this will go on for forever he will get buffed and get more HP and then die and get buffed again and so on.
  13. Hello. My friend has a problem with his HP, every time he joins a BG and get's buffed and dies the buff is removed but the HP stays, the HP will only reset when he crashes, and the so called Repair function wont work. I just wanna say that he is bugged and not hacking and I would like you guys to fix it as fast as possible I will post this in the bug tracker as well I just wanted to say it here as well. -StarCaller :druid: (yesterday he had 1.3 mil HP so)
  14. StarCaller

    English Realm

    I think we don't have that big of a English speaking community and so on I'm in a guild with like 80 English speaking dudes we do Premades all the time and when the PvE content comes out this month we will start doing that as well, the guild name is Gladiator Status, /w any1 in it and ask if there is one online that can inv you, if u wanna ask me I will be on almost everyday on my main Starcaller or my alts Shootingstar, Deathstar and Starstalker. If ur in a guild I will make the game a lot easier and funnier :)
  15. StarCaller

    English Realm

    If u ask me I don't see the need for a English realm yet, as long as u stay in the /English channel and so on and if u think it's hard to do BGs with them you can always ask in the channel to do premades, and the "English" population aint that big for a own realm imo. And it's not like the Russians are bad ingame or rude or anything like that they are pretty friendly and if u ask nicely and say u speak Eanglish they will try there best to speak English :) Tho I have some macros from translate I use in BGs like "Kill enemy flag", "Defend me", "Heal me" and so on. Thanks for reading. -StarCaller :druid: PS. The only thing I think the servers should get is more English speaking GMs :)
  16. If u ask me the update is nice and I love the PvP, played on another server in 5.0.5 and it was so unbalanced. And I have to check the raids and PvE content before I can agree with that :) -StarCaller :druid:
  17. Is the items also x20 on the x100 realm or is it lower or higher? -StarCaller :druid:
  18. I had the same problem on another server just have some1 to summon you of from the zone and it should be fixed. But as he said u better report this. -StarCaller :druid:
  19. Hello all I joined the server this week and pretty new to the server but not to wow I came from another MoP server but it was just full of bugs and the GMs were assholes anyways I just wanted to say "Hello!" and if anyone have any tips and trix on this server let me know on this thread I wanna know so much as possible about this server and if there are topics similar to your answers please link the topic no need to write a hole new quote on this one. Thanks for reading. -Starcaller:druid:
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